5. The Bellas Get Kidnapped During Rehersal

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Just as the last bedroom door closes, there's a knock at the front door. Maura gets up and opens it. "Hey, Mom." She greets.

"Hey. Chloe said I could stop by. Where is she?"

"Her and The Bellas just went to bed after Jane and I explained our case. Come in." Maura said and stepped aside letting her biological mother in the house.

"Hello, Jane." Hope greets.

"Hey, Hope." Jane greets back.

"Would you like some wine or water to drink, Mom?"

"No thank you, Sweetie. But could you tell me what's going on? Why'd the girls go to bed already?"

Maura sits back down by Jane's side. "Jane and I have yet to catch our newest killer. We've been working on this case for the past month. We were explaining the whole thing to the girls and it worried Chloe to the point she agreed with Beca along with the rest of The Bellas to go to bed for the night."

"What's wrong?"

"We've had six victims so far and all of them were young women between the ages of 18 to 25. Our fifth one was about a week pregnant. I found a fetal bone during the autopsy." Maura said. "That's what worries Chloe."

"I see. And the killer? What have you found out so far?"

"Just that it's also a woman that wears black nail polish with gel and leather work gloves." Jane said.

"And there's too many here in Boston, that you can't narrow it down without more evidence." Hope caught on.

"Correct. Will you help us watch the girls carefully until we catch her?" Maura asked.

"I'll see what I can do." Hope said as she got up to leave. "Thank you for telling me. I hope you catch this woman soon."

"Us too. Thanks, Hope." Jane said and the older woman walked out the door.

The next morning, Chloe was in the bathroom with morning sickness and had been for about an hour. It's 8:00 and Beca wakes up to the sound of her girlfriend retching. The brunette captain walks into the en-suite bathroom and holds back the ginger's hair. "How long you've been in here? It's eight o' clock now." Beca asked.

"About an hour." Chloe said throwing up one last time and flushing the toilet.

Beca hands her a towel and she wipes her mouth before getting up and washing it out. "You wanna go get breakfast?" The Dj asks.

The redhead looks at her and slightly nods. "But I'm not sure what I can handle right now."

"That's ok. Let's just go downstairs." Beca said and led her girlfriend out of the bedroom.

As they approach the kitchen, the smell of coffee and french toast enters their nose. "Ugg!" Chloe sounded covering her mouth. "Can someone please turn off the french toast? I can't stand the smell." She said after swallowing.

"Good morning, Ladies!" Angela greets them.

"Morning, Grandma. Can you make me eggs and bacon, please? I just was in the bathroom for an hour with morning sickness."

"Of course, Baby." Angela said as she finished the last batch of french toast. She puts on some eggs and bacon as Aubrey hands out the french toast to the rest of the family.

"Would you like some coffee or tea?" Jane asked.

"Tea, please. The Panda poop one as you like to call it."  Chloe said teasingly.

Jane rolled her eyes and Maura giggled. Beca laughed. "Panda poop tea?"

"It's expensive, but quite good. And yes. It's fertilized in panda poop." Angela said.

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