MJ: The Matchmaker Part 2

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"Has anyone seen Parker?" Mr. Malloy asked the class, although no one seemed to be paying much attention.

"He's probably skipping." Flash taunted before turning somewhat serious. "Wish I was skipping..."

"Actually" Ned continued, doing his best to ignore Flash. "He said he isn't feeling well so his aunt kept him home."

"I wish I was home sick..." Flash complained out loud to no one in particular. He seemed too tired to think of a way to harass Peter. It was only Wednesday, but everyone was just as tired as yesterday. With all the extracurricular activities going on for everyone this week, a few students deemed this particular week "Hell Week".

"Lovely. At least he's not getting me sick" Mr. Malloy commented. "Uh. Us. At least he's not getting us sick." He wasn't a mean teacher per say, but he didn't give anyone a "warm-fuzzy" feeling.

"I have a lot of things to grade, and you guys all look like shit, so this class is going to be a study" Mr. Malloy said as he pulled out his noise-cancelling headphones.

"THANK GOD" Flash exclaimed. Multiple people groaned in agreement. Multiple people out their heads on their desks to rest, while others pulled out laptops to work on something else. One girl even pulled a pillow out of her bag and laid down across four desks she pushed together.

MJ and Ned just moved spots so they could sit near each other, yet still away from some of the others. Ned opened his chemistry book and began working on balance some equations: busywork from his teacher. MJ pulled out their sketchbook and began doodling. They didn't have enough energy to focus on one, detailed sketch, but doodles seemed doable.

"Peter's not actually sick is he?" MJ asked quietly. This had the intended effect, as Ned froze and avoided eye contact.

"W-what? Of course he is. I-I mean he wouldn't skip. You know that. Why would you think that?" Ned managed to stutter out.

"He wasn't sick last night at the cafe. Maybe he shouldn't stay out so late for his internship." They said as if they were implying nothing at all. Ned, however, seemingly came to an epiphany.

"You know" he accused.

"Of course I know. How did Spider-Man just happen to be in D.C. when we where and Peter ditched? Also he's bad at hiding things." MJ explained. "Well some things" they thought to themselves. Ned smiled.

"And you've just been messing with me and Peter this whole time." It wasn't a question.

"Yup" MJ replied as they felt an amused smile appear on their face. "And don't tell him I know. I'm helping him be more aware of how he keeps secrets"

"So that's it" Ned said, also unable to contain a smile. MJ hummed in agreement. They both sat there in a comfortable silence before Ned couldn't take it anymore.

"Agh I can't focus. This is too much. I think I may die." Ned complained dramatically to MJ. "Oh my God there's two of them" they thought.

"Mmh. Why not? You balance equations all the time. What's on your mind?" MJ inquired carefully.

"What makes you think something is on my mind? Maybe I just don't want to balance equations anymore." Ned defened, although not very well.

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