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I don't know who is more empty
My pack of cigarettes or my life ?
I don't know who's burning more
The cigarette that's between my lips
Or my aching heart.
They ignore my crying voice,
The sweat on my eyes.
Who is responsible for that ? 
Them or I ?
I know, don't jell at me,
I know that I'm hurting me.
I love them,
Instead of being savage and take revenge
I keep hurting myself,
Because I can't
I love so much them.
Shut up and sleep,
I need at least some rest.
The lights shut off,
No people on the street,
No one speaks,
Only the voice in my mind
Doesn't let me sleep.
Fighting with myself all night,
Leave yourself at peace,
See some colors,
Look the shining stars.

Hopeless wandererTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon