auston matthews

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- m a y b e  n o t   t o d a y -

" timing is one of the biggest mysteries of life. people believe that relationships don't work out because of poor timing. there is a reason why time decides to change, and you have to let it do it's thing. if something is meant to happen, then it will happen, but at it's own pace not yours. you can't force something to work out at a time where it isn't right. so rather than wasting your time at the wrong time, wait for the right time, because trust me, it's worth it. "


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A G E   F O U R T E E N

The first time you met Auston was first day of freshman year of high school. The both of you were assigned seats beside each other in math class and the two of you hit it off.

Well, not exactly.

You were writing down notes about Mr. Laxi's explanation on how to solve the algebraic expression when you got a tap on the shoulder. Turning to your right, you look up to see the face behind the tap.

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