
83 3 1

Requested by: Scarlet_Gardevoir101


Eh, it's alright.... Bonnie and Freddy are shipped with others though....

(1. Bonnie is bisexual, Freddy is straight

(2. Bonnie is scared of Freddy


Freddy is somewhat rude and can be really bossy. He hates the night guard's guts and can barely seem to be on anyone except a few's friend. He is protective, but probably the most pessimistic out the group. He is observant and likes helping though.

Bonnie is nice as ALL HECK. He never is the type to resort to violence and prefers to not scare or try to kill Neil. He's more of the lover type and is encouraging, but since he doesn't like violence of the sort, he is quite defenseless if you leave him in a room with three serial killers....

Yeah, maybe no.....

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