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Requested by: FNAFCharacters01


Too popular and ship Foxy and Mangle with others.


(1. Even though Foxy is straight, Mangle is a lesbian....

(2. Sometimes her twin sister Fang is shipped with Foxy.

(3. Mangle kinda hates Foxy, even though Foxy has a crush on her (In some AUs)


Mangle is hot-headed, but confident, she is too nice for her own good and is over-protective. She can be hostile, but she is mostly really nice.

Foxy is rude, can be a daredevil, as some put him a 'bad boy' as Frenzy and Mangle define him, he shows himself to be pretty nice to Fang though.....

This relationship would be pretty toxic and last only a day or two.... if they even dated....

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