"Not really, I'm just fetching coffee and filing papers for a bunch of douchebags," I answer honestly. "And I miss Billie."

"You'll see her soon," she says and kisses the back of my head sweetly.

"Not soon enough," I mumble and pout.

"Have you asked her about Lauren yet?" she asks hopefully and I shake my head with a sigh. "Dude, come on."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, okay? She just gets so worked up about this kinda thing and I don't want to make her mad when we're already dealing with distance and shit."

"I mean at this point we don't really have a choice if we want to keep living here. Plus, Lauren's dope and would be a good roommate. Billie needs to just suck it up and trust you," Audrey says and I sigh again because I know she's right.

"I'll talk to her about it soon."



My bedroom door flies open as Audrey and Lauren barge in with a tray full of breakfast, making me jump slightly in surprise before I smile.

"Aw, thanks roomies," I say happily and sit up in my bed, leaning back against the headboard. "It smells great."

Audrey sets the tray down in my lap then climbs into my bed to sit next to me while Lauren sits on the end of my bed a little awkwardly.

"How does it feel to be 20?" Lauren asks as I take a bite of bacon.

"I'm just glad I escaped teen pregnancy."

Audrey snorts, "You're lesbian, that's not hard."

We all laugh and chat while I eat my breakfast, which is really fucking good by the way.

Lauren officially started the process of
moving in with us, and one of the major perks of having her here is that she's an amazing cook.

It doesn't quite make up for the fact that Billie is going to freak out when I tell her though. I still haven't brought it up because I'm scared of her getting pissed, but now she's just going to be more mad I didn't tell her ahead of time, so that was pretty dumb on my part.

I haven't gotten any birthday messages from her yet but I don't mind because I know how busy she is. She was hoping to have a couple days to relax because she doesn't have official shows, but her manager decided to use that time to book signings, interviews, and acoustic sets.

Poor girl is being overworked, but she's handling it really well and I'm proud of her for that.

"I'm taking you out tonight by the way," Audrey tells me and I groan, shaking my head.

"No, I'm too drained to party. I just wanna FaceTime Bil and eat ice cream in bed then take a bath," I mumble while I shovel more food into my mouth.

"It's not a party! Just a movie and In N Out, like back home," she says and I smile at that.

"Okay, fine."

Once I finish my breakfast I kick them out of my room so I can shower and change for work, which I'm dreading.

The day goes by the way it usually does, all I do is go fetch coffee and file papers that I'm not even high up enough to be able to read.

My friends and family send me messages throughout the day to wish me a happy birthday, pretty much all of them except for Billie.

I'm trying not to overthink it, I know she's busy, but I don't get why she can't at least send me a little text or something.

On my lunch break Fin called me and sang me happy birthday which was amazing because I miss him and his voice is incredible. Maggie and Patrick joined him but Billie couldn't because she was at a signing.

Curious // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now