"Luther, you asshole, I swear to God, if you don't let me down-" Emilia began, but Luther put a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. Emilia froze in his grasp and her eyes narrowed even more at the boy.

"He hid so much from us," Klaus whispered. "He hid it because he was afraid. . .of her," Luther told them. "Oh, that's ridiculous," Klaus said. "Is it?" Luther asked.

"Ouch!" Luther exclaimed as he dropped the girl. "She bit me!" Emilia glared at him and quickly took a step away as she wiped her mouth. "Grab me again and I will end you," she threatened, her voice deadly serious.

Luther rolled his eyes. "Stop being dramatic, Emilia," he said. Emilia went to take a step forward, but Diego grabbed her arm and she glanced at him before calming down.

"Dad's lied about everything else, why is this so far-fetched?" Luther asked, his gaze falling on Vanya who was silently yelling at them. "If you're right, then maybe she's the one who killed Peabody," Diego suggested.

"Let her out and we can ask," Emilia said as she looked at them all impatiently.

"She could be the one that cut Allison's throat," Luther said. "Whoa, no. Let's. . .I ju—Sorry. Just, let's go back, all right? This is Vanya we're talking about. Our sister. The one who always cried when we stepped on ants as kids," Klaus argued.

"Yeah, I know. I know it's difficult to accept—" Luther began. "It's not difficult to accept, it's impossible to accept," Klaus told him. "No, he's right. Look, we can't keep her locked up without proof," Diego said.

"Wh—what more proof do you need?" Luther asked. "Seeing as you're the one telling us all of this, I'm gonna say a lot since we obviously don't have any proof at the moment," Emilia spat. "Just open the door and we can ask her."

Luther shook his head and grabbed Emilia who had reached for the door. "No, she's not goin' anywhere," Luther said. "No, even if you're right, she needs our help, and we can't do that if she's locked in a cage," Diego argued while Emilia turned to look at Luther who was still holding her shoulder.

Emilia didn't even hesitate before her shoulder grew red. Luther jumped back in surprise and held his now burnt hand close to his body while looking at Emilia with wide eyes. "I told you not to touch me again," she said with a small shrug. Luther just gave her a look.

"Yeah, and for all we know, she might be struggling with this new power. I mean, it must be scary. Terrifying, really to discover that you can do something that you never thought you could do," Klaus said. "Exactly. Do you not see how upset and terrified she already looks?" Emilia asked as she gestured towards their sister. "She needs us, Luther, and you just want to keep her behind locked doors. Do you know how much you sound like Dad right now?"

"Look, if what Pogo told me is even half true, then she is not just a danger to us," Luther said and Emilia glared at him. "Let her out," Emilia insisted. "No," he said.

The sound of footsteps could be heard from behind them and they all turned to see Allison walking in. Emilia sighed at the sight of her and quickly rushed over to the girl to hug her, happy to see her up and moving. Allison hugged her back before giving them all a confused look.

"Allison, what are you doing down here? You should be in bed," Luther told her. Allison pulled away from Emilia to write something down on the notepad in her hand. She held the book up so that everyone could read the words that said Let her go.

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