"What are these names you speak of?" Melromarc scratched his chin. "I have not heard of a Leshen nor of a land called Rivia, much less a man named Geralt hailing from such a place."

"That can't be right," the knight in red finally put away his weapon and took off his helmet, revealing the face of a human male. "Geralt told us that Leshen's were native to the world he came from and that you employ the help of Witchers in order to cull monsters such as those."

"The help of what?" the King shifted forward a little. "Our world has never hired any 'Witchers', whatever those may be. No, our world is plagued by Waves of Destruction that come every few months and unleash waves of monsters to do just as the name implies; destroy. We have summoned these four heroes to save us and bring an end to these catastrophes."

"But if this isn't Geralt's world, then that would mean..." the woman thought aloud and turned to her parnter, who shared her panicked-but-stoic look.

"We're stuck here," he finished her thought. "The Leshen must've come through here first before coming to our world." Naofumi sympathized with the two. He understood how frightened they must have felt being trapped in another world. Still, he had a feeling that they wouldn't be paralyzed by it since they apparently jumped into a portal they knew would take them to another world. They just didn't get the destination right.

"You have fought admirably," King Melromarc told them and finally motioned for the guards to stand down. "Considering we are at an impasse as to how to return you to your world, I shall forgive your trespass under one condition."

"And what might that be," the lance hunter composed himself.

"As I mentioned before, our land is plagued by Waves of Destruction that release hordes of monsters that kill everything in their path. You seem to be very skilled in combat. You said you are hunters, correct? What is it that you hunt in your world?"

"We hunt large monsters, some ranging from the size of canines to mountains," the hunter told him. "I am a hunter. She is a handler. She is in charge of making sure her hunter hunts within the regulations that the Hunter's Guild has set. However, she has accompanied me on several hunts and is quite capable as you yourself have mentioned."

"So I did," the King waved and seemed to dismiss the hunter's explanation. "I believe that your skills will be invaluable in helping our heroes in defeating the waves. If you join our heroes, we shall forgive your transgressions against us."

"We graciously accept your proposal, good-King Melromarc," the handler bowed her head and pushed the hunter's head down to do the same.

Seeming satisfied with their response, Melromarc instructed the roughed-up adventurers to gather into their respective parties. After sluggishly completing this task and a party member healed Motoyasu's wound, the pair were instructed to select a hero to join. "You may choose from the Spear Hero, Motoyasu, the Sword Hero, Ren, or the Bow..."

"We'll go with the guy with the shield," the hunter declared and filed in behind Myne, who seemed a bit uncomfortable and inched closer to Naofumi.

"Seriously?!" Motoyasu complained. "That guy's only got a shield. He'll only slow you down."

"I must partially agree with the Spear Hero," Melromarc extended his hand to gesture between the groups. "Your weapon choices appear to be suited to complimenting one of the other heroes." Naofumi, still beside himself, couldn't figure out which was more ridiculous; the fact that two extremely powerful and skilled individuals chose to accompany him or the fact that the King didn't want them to remain with him.

"Where we come from, hunting in a party greater than four is a bad omen," the handler explained after they both returned their helmets to their heads.

"Not to mention, uh." The hunter pat Naofumi's shoulder and asked him, "What's your name?"

(MHW X Rising of the Shield Hero) The Hunter, the Handler, and the HeroWhere stories live. Discover now