Chapter 14: Enemies and Engagement Rings

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Hey lovelies! I bet you guys went hyper just by looking at the title of this chapter! Woo! Yeap it's almost the end people! But...when a story ends, another story starts! So be excited for the next epic story! xD

Jackie xx


(...) Heath and I looked at each other and knew that we had a lot of explaining to do, while Tasha laughed beside me. 

     "You have explaining to do too, miss Blondie." Autumn shut Tasha up. Tasha gave a pout, making all of us smirked.

Chapter 14: Enemies and Engagement Rings

     "We saw you die. You didn't breathe, you had no pulse and your blood was everywhere! And I thought Wes took your body back to the village and burried you?" Autumn questioned Tasha who remained unflinching as she chewed on popcorn. Vicky looked like she was about to pounce on Tasha any minute and attack her. 

     "All ideas belong to Wes. Knowing me, I would probably be the first one to get shot in our group. At the time I wanted to stay in the village, you know, not go back to the palace with Heath after everything was over. Then the day of the shooting came and it was the perfect opportunity. Wes gave me a formula that would slow down my heart beat and slow down my breathing until it's undetected. The blood was all real of course. They gave me blood transfusion later on." 

     "So I cried for nothing?" I narrowed my eyes at her. 

     "I didn't want to spoil my plan...but I really wanted to tell you I'm okay though!"

     "You lost so much could have really died for real, you know?" I raised my voice a little. I seriously thought my best friend/sister died for real! "Wait. Your plan was a success. You could've stayed at the village. Why did you come back? How did you know we were at Vicky's house?" 

     "Blood trails. Some of my blood was stained on your clothes so Wes used it to follow you. He found out where you guys were living and then told me the next day. I spied on you guys ever since." Tasha paused and turned to Vicky. "I don't like you though, smooching on Heath every chance you get. Touching him is the most disgusting thing you've done. Reminds me of a girl back in high school. Blonde, pretty and disgusting. PDA never affects her." 

     "OKAY! THAT'S IT!" Vicky stood up and started to jump on Tasha, but Zac pulled her back down and used an arm to hold her against the sofa. "I hate you blondieeee!" She screeched, making Zac clasped a hand over mouth. 

     "Man she's loud." Zac muttered. 


     School started on Monday and after spending a whole weekend with Vicky, she was actually okay. She had shown her friendly side to all of us especially me after not judging her that much anymore, Things weren't awkward between her and Heath even after they broke up though. They were actually good friends after two days. 

     At first Vicky was reluctant to wear some of our not so girly clothes, but since the enemy must've known Vicky knows something, we wouldn't allow her to go home just yet. So basically she wore some of Zac's clothes and surprisingly, she was actually kinda pretty without make-up on. On Sunday we ordered pizza and she had a whole box to herself. I guess she showed her real side around us. Not the popular, mean, cheerleader side of hers. 

     The whole school still thought Heath and I were siblings of course. 

     "Hello? Rosie?" I snapped back into reality and faced Heath who was seated in front of me. 

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