Thor: what suit is that.

James: come at me and find out.

He then ran at you and he hit you with his hammer sending you though the wall to the backyard.

James: is that all you got Goldy locks.

Thor then fly's out the house and shoot's lighting at just stood there it hits you full on.

Thor: oh crap!

Thor then looked closer it looked like it wasn't even affecting you.

Thor: how can this be.

James: you wanted to know what suit I'm wearing right this suit can nullify any of your electric attacks that you use.

Thor: we'll see about that.

He then sends the biggest lighting bolt you ever seen at it did Jack shit.

James: this suit also gives me the power to use electric I asobe but it doubles the attack.

I then shoot Thor with a lighting attack he barely was able to dodge it I then shoot my webs at both ends of the house I then started to walk back and I jumped and the webs basically launched at Thor he moved out of the way I flew past him but I shoot my web at him it attached to the back of him I pulled as hard as I could  he then was in front of me and I used him to cushion the impact of me hitting the house.

Thor: ahh! Damn it!

James: let's call it a draw.

Thor: and why is that.

James: well it's now 10 so I guess I'll go to school.

Thor: so why did you try not to go to school.

James:(shugs shoulders)

Thor: just get ready.

Time skip at School.

James: (maybe if stay out in the hall and be quiet then I won't have to work)

Kio: and what are you doing.

James: ahh! Don't do that.

Kio: I do what I want to to kids who skip class.

James: I ain't skipping I just got here.

She: then grabs your ear and takes you towards class.

Kio: you been standing here for about 5 minutes so don't start. (she then let go of me) now go on to your seat.

Time skip lunch

As I was eating lunch i saw Nat walking towards me she said I could call her that she then sat down rather close to me.

James: (nervous)Nat why are you sitting so close to me.

Nat:(because I like to watch you squirm.)you have a calming presence around you

James: oh okay.

Time skip after school

Nat: James can I come over.

James: why.

Nat: I'm bored!

James:I don't know.

She then bent down showing her cleavage a little.

Nat: James please.

James:(light blush) f-fine but promise me you won't tell anybody what you see.

Nat: okay I promise.(wonder why he doesn't want me to talk about it.)

Time skip outside the house

James: Nat remember your promise.

Nat: yeah yeah come on it's hot out here.

James: sigh fine.

Opens door

Thor: James fang crapped on my cape!

James: you can lick it off for all I care.

He is in the bathroom

Thor: James don't make me come in there!

James: don't make me come in there when we have company!

Thor: wait who's here!

Nat: his girlfriend!

James: Nat! That is not true and you know it!!!

Thor: haha!

James: Thor shut the hell up before I cut you!

Nat: thor.

James: that's what they call him.

Thor then walks and in

Nat: (speechless)

James: and before you scream please don't cause we're just renting this place together because it's to expensive to be rented out by one person I didn't know Thor was the other tenant win I signed up for it.

Nat: okay then.

James: let's go to my room.

Nat: okay.

In your room

Nat: wow nice room.

James: thanks.

then got an idea pop in to her head

Nat: hey James wanna play a video game.

James: sure what's it's called.

Nat:majoras mask.

James: ain't that a haunted game?


James: fine.

Nat: great.(Benny you Know what to do.)

Author: do what.

female creepypastas x Spider-Man OcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora