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Hi, there...

My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi, or known as Tsuna. And I have a perfect life...

My father is a lawyer while my mother is a nurse. My big brother, Ieyasu, who's 7 years apart from me is quite an overprotective one. And not to forget the twin pranksters, Toshiki and Tsukichi, who makes the world a fun place to be lived in. They love me so much and of course, the feeling is mutual.

My girlfriend, Sasagawa Kyoko, she is ethereal and apparently an angel who somehow manage to hide her halo and wings for the full 16 years of her life. And if you think that she sticks with me because I'm filthy rich, then no. Oddly enough, she, unlike other people, prefer to have a date by just sitting under a tree, watching the cherry blossom falls as we ate her homemade food. In which, the same thing goes with my gang who's nothing but a bunch of chaotic people that somewhat stuck with each other over the past of year. I genuinely wonder how we could maintain our friendship without getting into a serious argument with our colorful personalities. But honestly, I won't trade them for the world.

My life was perfect...

Or so, that's what people th-- no. That's what I want people to see.

They are all lovely. That is a true fact. They are all the best, one would be jealous to have. The only problem with the equation was me...

Me, who's clumsy af.Me, who's ugly and a waste of space.Me, who can't do anything right.Me, who's obviously a mistake.Me, who better off dead than live.

I know, I know, I might sound like an ungrateful brat that I am. But, that's the funny thing about depression...

-It doesn't give a f*** about who you are or where you came from.It's just there. Haunting you. Screaming things to your fragile soul before then laughing as you crumble down.

S*** happens. And they happen to EVERYONE. Therefore, it's important to always see the positive side of things so that the void won't consume you alive...

Or well, I wished I was that smart for the sake of myself. But I guess, what's done is done. In which, I hope that this story of mine will inspire you not to be as stupid as I was.

And so, this was the story of my life...

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