Chapter 2

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      The sun beat down in the arboretum, it was a particularly hot day imn Maple Tree borough but that didn't seem to bother Xander, Cassia or any of the kids from second school for that matter
"Ky, over here!" Yelled Xander from across the flower beds "look what Cassia found!" Ky ran over and carefully inspected the white speckled flower in Cassia's hands
"It looks like a genetically altered flower, but it sure is beautiful" Cassia glanced at Ky and smiled brightly.
"I bet my mom knows all about it" she looked at him for a matter of seconds before she realized it, then she turned her head quick as if not to draw attention. "Hey Em, I wanna show you a wildflower over here" she said, distracting herself from Ky. Em smiled and followed her to the the flower beds across the hallway. As soon as they left, Xander turned to Ky,
"Do you want to explore the hallways?" Ky wore an uneasy look, and Xander noticed immediately
"It's ok Ky, I bet you no one will see us, it will only be a few minutes" Ky hesitated a little bit but eventually he stood up and gestured to the door
"Lead the way" he said nervously.

       Xander lead him through door after door of wood carved in such intricate designs, you would think you were in the president's mansion. Finally they climbed a narrow staircase to the very top of the building
"it seems to me you've been up here before"
said Ky, sitting on a ledge nearby.
"Once or twice" said Xander, catching his breath by the small circular window.
"Cassia showed me this place, I thought you might like to see it, considering you appreciate a good jog, and that's certainly what it takes to get up here!" Ky half smiled, but it lasted only a second, then vanished into a stern frown
"This is a very nice place, but why would you bring me up here?" He said, rising slowly from where he sat, something was wrong, he could feel it through his bones, his joints trembling with a spidey sense like buzz. That's when he saw it, Xanders look of authentic pride turned into a malicious smile, his eyes blackened and his right eyebrow raised above his forehead
"Oh you know how it is" he said quietly. Then suddenly, Xander let out a scream and jumped through the small door. Before Ky knew what was happening, the ceiling crashed in on him, the last thing he saw was the horrified yet smug look on Xander's face before he blacked out forever.

     Cassia flipped her shiny brown hair and smiled at Xander from across the meadow. He perked up when he spotted her and jogged over.
"Hey Xander, where has Ky gone off to?" she asked looking over his shoulder longingly.
"He saw a flower he thought you would like and went to grab it. He will meet us at the bottom of the hill." Xander smirked knowingly. All of a sudden an official walked up to them, for a moment cassia thought she had come to confront cassias lack of interest in Xander. Cassia thought of all the moments she and Ky had had together and all the poems they had shared at the top of the hill. What if they were found out? How could she live with the knowledge that what ever happened was her fault. But before she could think more about these things the official smiled and said calmly,
"A message has come for the two of you through the port" and she led them into a small room with a port in the center.
"Cassia Reyes?" said a voice, Cassia's palms began to sweat, she didn't know why this man was so intimidating, but he was, and the only way Cassia could think to calm herself was to recite her and Ky's special, secret, illegal poem out loud
"Ummm ok whatever well My name is Happy, I'm the bodyguard of Tony Stark, he has requested your presence at Stark Tower London (not to get confused with New York) effective immediately"
"And why should I go?" Xander asked suspiciously
"Well you weren't invited but I suppose if  you." He said to Cassia
"Where to require him to accompany you, we could allow it"
"Yes please" Cassia said dreamily thinking about Ky, the poem still whirling in her head. After a few moments, a jet landed in the grass a few yards from the arboretum
"What's that?" Cassia asked dimwittedly
"That," Happy smirked, "that's your ride."  Xander followed Cassia and they both climbed inside.
"What about Ky?" Cassia said nervously while fidgeting with the flower she had picked earlier. But before Xander could say something comforting, a roaring sound filled the air as the jet took flight.

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