First kiss

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Slendo man: ok class I want you guys to write an essay about someone you hate and how will you guys become friends.Nina you can start on this question about yourself sheet.

Nina: oh uh ok.
Jack: it's super easy , its just  40 multiple choice answers and 10 writing answers.
Nina: dang that's 50 questions...
jack: don't worry it's quick as a whistle!

Everyone started working but Jeff started picking on Nina in a middle of an hour.
Jeff wrote something on a sticky note and placed it on Nina's back.

Nina: Done Mr. Slendo man. Where do I turned it in?

Slendo man: you can just hand it to me. You can go to your next class, if your next class still teaching , wait by the door.

Nina: Ok.
Slendo man: um Nina there's something on your back.
Nina: huh?

Nina pull the sticky note off her back it said " go kill yourself" Nina started to cry in tears.

People went silent and shock.
Jeff rolled his eyes.
Nina ran out the room and went to her locker.

Slendo man: Jack I want you to go check on her if she's ok.
Jack: Ok.

Jack ran across the hall ways to find Nina. Nina was at her locker trying to get a pack of tissues.
Jack hugged her and tell her if she's ok.

Nina: It was Jeff.. I don't know why would he do this to me..
jack: it's ok Nina , I'm here for you.
Jack hold her chin up and kisses her lips.
Jack: I'll always be with you no matter what Nina.
Nina blushed and burst happy tears.
Nina: your gonna stay with me f-for the rest of the year?
Jack: Yes, I love you. 
Nina: I love you too.
(End of part 8)

Stitched Love // Nina the killer X Eyeless jackOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant