Chapter 2.1: The escape pod

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"Where am I?"

"What?" I replied not expecting to be able to communicate with this being.

"Where are we? Which planet?" It asked again looking around before it's bright purple eyes onto me. "I am no danger to you young girl,"

"I'm no young girl, I had my 18th cake day a few weeks ago," I said still pointing my rifle at the being.

"Well, I am still no danger to you as long as you don't try to hurt me, young lady,"

I looked at the figure for a few seconds before lowering my rifle but had it still by my side; "You are on the planet Fragmentum, under the protection of the Golden Empire..." I stopped talking as I looked at the shocked expression the figure gave me.

"Is there any intelligent life on this planet?" the figure asked.

"I don't know, who am I to say what is intelligent? For all, I know you and I aren't intelligent to some alien race out in the wide galaxy." I snapped back as if I didn't answer enough.

The figure smiled, "I would say at least that you little girl is rather intelligent. I'll clarify my question. Is there any other species that we can communicate with the help of language."

"Yes... but most of them aren't much of talkers. People around here shot first and asks later."

As if I had summoned them I could hear the roaring sound of engines.

"Can I trust you?" I asked the figure.

"Can I trust you?" He asked back.

"You don't have another choice if you want to survive, follow me," I replied before beginning to run back towards my base, activating Scraper as I ran with the help of my remote control. I was surprised to see the figure catching up to me, the two of us running side by side as we reached my home.

Closing the metal door of the inner room I looked at the figure for a few seconds. I stated to myself that it was a male, he was standing in the room studying Scraper who seemed like was studying the figure.

"We need to burn my clothes." He started turning his back to me before he began to undress right in front of me leaving him only in his underwear.

I threw him some old rags trying not to look as he quickly got dressed. The roaring engines were even louder now that they were even closer.

"Your name?" I asked him as I handed him a blaster. He seemed like he was stalling, not really wanting to give me a name. "So I know what to write if you don't survive..." I mumbled.

"Weus... yours?" He asked back.

"Thea, but I will survive. Don't fire unless it's in self-defense okay?"

Weus nodded.

"Scrapper, burn Weus clothes and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, I'll be right back," I said before walking out into my workshop grabbing a few items before walking outside waiting for the Dune gang to appear.

Standing outside I could see one of their vehicles drive down into my crater it's one light contrasting against the night sky. I could already see that it was Rusty and Catcher who drove the vehicle, I didn't understand why they were named such stupid names when they joined the gang. Rusty who was clad in a very fitting rusty armor jumped out of the now parked framework of a vehicle.

"You know the rules!" He started yelling in his screechy voice. I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes before he continued; "Everything landing outside your crater is ours to take. If we leave something behind you are free to take it~"

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