Chapter 18: Mark Me

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“First of all,” she sighed, “I can’t have kids, it’s humanely impossible for me to have kids. The experiments they did on me whacked up my ovaries. Secondly, I think I already found the right guy for me,” she paused and looked at James’ wide-eyed, deer-in-the-headlights expression, and burst out laughing, “I’m kidding, Barnes.”

“Second?” he asked.

“Oh, so curious, love,” she tutted, but she was smiling, “Second, love is for children, and I was never a child. It’s the thing people hold onto to help them sleep better at night. The whole belief of having someone right for you out there does not exist. We are all stars,” she gestured to the night sky, “or fragments of them, floating through space making and leaving scars on each other.” She looked at him again and smiled, touching the space in between his eyebrows where a frown had settled in, silently telling him to relax, “Pretty philosophical for a hired tracker, huh?”

“What if you like the scar they left you with?” he asked.

“What?” she mumbled.

“You said we leave scars. What if you like the scar?” he whispered, inching closer.

“Then I guess you should hang on to that,” she answered softly.

“Will you mark me?” he smiled.

“Will you like it?” she smiled back.

“Let’s see,” he answered as he softly pressed his lips on hers.



“And where are you headed this late, little missy?” Tony Stark asked as Val walked out into the hallway. Her room was right in front of Pepper’s office, the walls of which were made of glass.

“I’m a winged assassin, Stark, not a robot, I need food,” she snapped.

“Oh, touchy are we?” he chided, “I want you to meet someone first,” he said gesturing for her to enter the office through the open door.

Val sighed and walked in, immediately noticing the redhead who was dressed in a white pencil dress and blazer, and madly typing away at the computer in the far corner of the expansive office.

“Pepper, it’s rude to ignore guests, honey,” Tony called to her.

“Huh? What?” the redhead asked as she looked up from her work and noticed Val looking curiously at her, “Oh, sorry, hi, I’m Pepper,” she got up and walked over to shake Val’s hand.

“Hi,” Val smiled back, taking her hand, “Camilla Valentin, but you can call me Val.”

“Wait, why does she get to call you Val, and we all call you Angel?” Tony huffed.

“Because she’s a girl, Tony,” Val said simply, “It’s a sisterhood kind of thing.”

Pepper laughed, “So you’re Angel, Tony has told me about you.”

“Yeah, like 15 minutes ago, when Heavy Metal walked out of your room with a frown that could take the whole Chitauri army down,” Tony said, which earned him a glare from Pepper.

“Yeah, that ended pretty badly,” Val admitted, toying with the zipper of her open denim jacket.

“So, what happened?” Tony asked, not bothering to hide his curiosity.

“Tony!” Pepper reprimanded much to Val’s amusement.

“Wouldn’t you want to know?” Val teased, “But I’m hungry, so I got to go,” she started to walk out the door.

The Valentin Series, Book 1: The Valkyrie (Captain America fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz