Meet Up

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Walking out of the theater, Thayne was exhausted. It was Sunday. He had done four shows this weekend and was ready to lay down in his bed and go to sleep.
He walked down the back ally of the theatre to avoid unwanted visitors. He was a block or so away from home when he heard a loud thud behind him. He turned around and saw a fancily dressed man rise up brushing off his jacket. Confused Thayne asked,

"Excuse me, are you okay, sir?" The man was quite startled at the sound of his voice.
"Um, yes I'm fine. But in need of directions."
"Where do you need to go?"
"Chesapeake Bay."
"Sorry to inform you but we're in New York City. Chesapeake Bay is quite far. I'm sure you can Uber there if you want." He replied.
"Uber?" The man questioned. "What is an Uber?"
"Ha, that's a good one. But seriously call an Uber or get a plane ticket." Thayne laughed.
"Sir, I'm sorry. I must not be from around here. I don't understand. What is your name?"
"I'm Thayne Jasperson. Broadway star." He shot finger guns at him. It scared the man greatly. He jumped back and hid behind a trash can.
"Woah dude. Chill. What's your name?" Getting up from behind the trash can, ashamed he replied,
"George Washington. General Washington. Or to civilians like you, President Washington." He saluted. Thayne looked confused.
"Okay man, have you been drinking? I think you're drunk."
"All I drink is holy water son. I'm a man of God. A man of our great Lord Jesus Christ." He raised his hands to the sky.
"Okay you're drunk. Come on. You can crash at my place." He brings Washington along with him for the next couple blocks. When they get inside Thayne starts making a bed on the couch.

"You can sleep here. Do you want the TV on?"
"What's a TV?"
"Nope okay. Come get me if you need anything. You need to sober up." He left the room going to his own and laying down. He was drifting off to sleep when a rock type object fell into his bed. He sprung up.

"What the hell?! Washington! What are you doing in my bed?"
"Multiple reasons actually. Number one, I found a remote thingy and when I clicked a button the screen thing made a loud noise. Number two, I don't like the sound of the fridge machine. And lastly number three, the couch isn't comfy." By now he was nuzzled up under the sheets. Thayne slapped his head and rolled his eyes.
"Fine. You can sleep here tonight. But tomorrow, no. No way. You drunk off your mind." As they drifted off to sleep he was caught pondering.

"George Washington. General Washington. Or to civilians like you President Washington. Huh. I'm misplacing something. There's not way he's the actual president. I'll take him to Chesapeake Bay tomorrow and he'll realize it. Maybe. Hopefully. No. There's no way he's actually George Washington. He can't be back from the dead." His train of thought led in all different directions. But tomorrow, he would receive answers. For sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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