Jack x Naib Pt. 2 (Lemon)

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I decided to make the part 2 of the Jack x Naib fic I did last time. But this time, I included some of the requests of some people who requested Jack x Naib. So yeah, this is the fic requested by @ashen1999 and @vbananacatto.

Naib was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about what happened the other round. 'Why did I agree again? What if I made a mistake? What if it was just a lie? What if he just wanted to kill me all along?' Naib asked himself.

He was anxious. He has never been in a relationship before.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Naib hopped out of bed and reached for the door and opened it to find Kurt standing there holding a letter.

"Uh, I found this letter outside the door and it says that it's for you." Kurt said. Naib grabbed the letter that read 'To: my darling Naib" at the back.

He sighed as there was only one person that could've given it to him. Jack.

"Uh... thanks Kurt." Naib said. "No problem. I'm just wondering if you were in a relationship with someone." Kurt said awkwardly. It  definately made it awkward.

Naib is deep in his thinking. He doesn't know what to tell Kurt. Naib opened his mouth but Kurt interrupted him. "If you don't want to talk about I can just leave." Kurt said as if he was on a hurry. It was obvious that he felt awkward for asking such a question and wanted to leave.

"Yeah, I'd rather not talk about it." Naib deadpanned. Kurt gave him a nervous smile and quickly walked away from the awkwardness.

Naib sighed as he closed the door and sat on his bed and opened the letter.

It read;
" Dear Naib,

     Since you gave me a chance to be with you, I decided that we should have a date. It's okay if you don't want to but I want you to, so please if you can, come to the Moonlit river Park so we can have our date there at 6:00 pm. Don't be late my love.

                                                                  - Jack"

Naib blushed a little at the thought of having a date. He sighed as he put the letter down on the bedside table. 'I guess I could come.' He thought.

Naib went to bed as he thought of their date tommorow.


The next day, he woke up and went down to eat breakfast. He was participating on the next match after breakfast so he readied himself as he sat anxiously on the table waiting for the others. Margaretha, Tracy, and Eli walked in and took their seat as they waited for the round to begin.

White Sands Asylum

Naib started to go to the nearest cipher as Eli's owl swoops down on him. He started decoding as he heard Eli getting hit by the hunter.

He focused on decoding and later, Eli was downed and was pit on a rocket chair. Naib stopped decoding as he went to help Eli.

He managed to reach Eli's rocket chair as fog engulfed them. 'Oh god.' Naib thought.

Suddenly, arms placed themselves on Naib making him stiffen as he turned around. "Hey Naib. Did you read my letter?" Jack asked.

Naib nodded. Jack had a grin on his face and asked,"Do you accept?". Jack asked. Naib was reluctant at first but, nodded anyway.

Jack's grin widened and started hugging Naib as he is overjoyed. Jack planted a kiss on Naib's forehead making Naib blush.

"I'll be going now my Naib." Jack said playfully as he descends among the fog. Naib stood there for a while before continuing the with the match.


The match ended as Naib rushed to his room to prepare for his date. Naib went to his room realizing he didn't have to preapare himself since he always wore the same clothes everyday.

He hastily went out the manor and went to the park.

Moonlit River Park

Naib was at the park looking for Jack. He was getting impatient so he decided to go to the circus as he admired the lion in the cage as he passed by it.

Naib wondered the empty circus as he imagined what the place had been before. 

A tap on his shoulder made Naib jump as he turned around to sgh in relief as he realized it's Jack.

"Did I scare you? Don't worry, I won't hurt you." Jack said with a playful tone in his voice. Naib rolled his eyes. "What do we do know?" Naib asked.

"Come with me." Jack said.

Jackm ushered Naib to follow him and headed straight for the roller coaster. "Lets go." Jack said joyfully as he sat down on the roller coaster. He motioned Naib to on the seat beside him as Naib took it.


The Roller coaster started moving as Jack screamed with excitement while Naib enjoyed the strong gust of wind that blew across his face.

The ride was fast as it soon reached it's stopped.

"That was fun. Did tou enjoy it?" Jack asked.
"It was fine I guess." Naib replied. Jack is overjoyed. "Thank you for coming by the way. We still have one more thing to do though."

Naib followed Jack curiously to the funhouse. "I'll have to carry you since we you might run." Jack said. "Why? What's going to happen?" Naib asked.

"Just... please don't run away."
"Fine I won't."

Jack opened the locker as he motioned Naib in. "Ladies first." Jack said as he smirked. "Fuck you." Naib said.

He realized what is going to happen so he let it happen anyway.

Naib went in followd by Jack as he closed the locker.

"Now that were alone.." Jack said in a low seductive voice as he leaned over and kissed Naib as his tongue slipped through in mouth to explore his hot cavern.

Naib moaned at the sensation stimulating both him and Jack. This made Jack want to pursue Naib more as he pinned him to the wall of the locker slightly shifting it, and sli his hands underneath Naib's shirt teasing his nipples.

Naib gasped at the sensation and soon, Jack was sucking his nipples making Naib moan.

Jack slid his hand in Naib's pants as he grabbed his erected cock and started to sucking it.

Naib is panting for air since Jack sucking him is a euphoric sensation. Naib moaned out loud as he came in Jack's mouth.

Jack swallowed it and licked the sides of his mouth seductively. "Tasty." He commented.

He leaned in and kissed Naib passionately. Naib melted into the kiss as the kiss deepened.

The locker shifted vigourously from the rough action as moans and grunts can be heard from within it.

A/N: I was to tired to describe a sex scene so I hope a blowjob is fine. (That sounded so wrong)

Hope you enjoy.

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