Yandere!Hastur x Eli

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Yandere!Hastur x Eli

Eli wondered the corridors of the asylum. The noises of silent shrieks echoed from the corridors sending shivers down Eli's spine. He flinched as he heard a creaking noise from the nursery.

He caught a glimpse of something scurrying. He brushed it off and went to fecode a cipher. He used his owl to find everyone else yet, no one was there. Eli began to worry. He finished the cipher and began to look for his friends.

"Hello? Guys, where are you?" He searched everywhere yet found no one. He has beginning to feel scared that he was alone in the place.

Suddenly, something caught Eli's attention at the corner of his eyes. He saw a body. He couldn't make out who it was so he went near it.

There, he saw Martha lifeless on the floor with all her insides out of her body.

She looked like someone strangled and squeezed her with something. Eli was horrified at the sight. 'Who would ever do this?' He thought. Tentacles suddenly appeared from the ground grabbing Martha's body away.

'Hastur did this?' He asked himself

Suddenly, his heart began to quicken its pace. The hunter is nearby. Eli began running. Tentacles started rising from the ground targeting Eli. He hid behind a wall. He looked over the hunter. Hastur was looking for Eli.

"Eli, where are you? Where you my love?" Hastur cooed in a psychotic voice. Eli was scared. 'Why would Hastur do this? This is not the Hastur I knew.' He asked himself.

He suddenly got hit by a tentacle. He panicked and ran straight to Hastur.

Eli panicked and tried running away but he was grabbed by one of Hastur's tentacles. "Where are you going my love? Aren't you looking for me?" "N-no I w-wasn't" Eli stuttered as he was scared at what Hastur is going to do to him.

Hastur frowned. He used one of his tentacles to position Eli so that he is facing him. Hastur leaned over near Eli staring at him. "Don't worry my love, I won't hurt you." "W-what happened to the others?" Eli asked.

"Don't worry about them. You're with me now. You don't need them." "BUT WHERE ARE THEY?" Eli shouted. "I SAID YOU DON'T NEED THEM!!" Hastur slapped Eli with is tentacle putting a red mark in his cheeks.

Eli looks like he's on the verge of crying. Hastur went near Eli carressing his cheek. He leaned over to Eli's ear and said "I'm sorry my love. I won't do that again if you stop being difficult."

Eli held back his tears and tried to remain calm. Hastur picked him up walking around the asylum. "Isn't it beautiful my love." Eli looked around and saw another body as they walk pass by it.

Eli looked closer as it is mutilated so much. The body has grayish hair with clothing that are also gray. He saw  kit beside all it's contents spilled out like a make-up brush.

Eli was about to cry again. He wanted to get out of here. Hastur placed him down on the ground. "Eli, I've been wating to do this with you." "Wha-"

Hastur forced a kiss on Eli. He forced his way in Eli's mouth. Eli struggled from his grasp as he tried to escape. Hastur then tried to remove his clothing but, was stopped by one of Eli's owls.

Eli managed to escape and ran away. He looked back as he saw his owl get killed.

All Eli could is hide right now. He hid behind a wall but at the corner of his eyes, he saw a third body. It was Fiona's body. There's a whole at where her stomach is as the expression she wore on her face looked shocked. Blood was still dripping meaning she was killed recently.

Eli started to cry.

He wanted to get out of here. He was sobbing really loudly. Suddenly his heartbeat quickened. He ran away as fast as he can not looking back.

He saw hope as he saw the dungeon is open. He started to run faster. He was nearing the dungeon. He was prepared to jump in when he was stopped bu a tentacle. The tentacle grabbed him preventing him from moving.

"Why are you running away from me love?" "Stop, JUST STOP!! You killed everyone here, I HATE YOU!!" Eli continued to sob. "But my love, I love yo-" "I DON'T!! NOW LET ME GO!!"

Hastur was heartbroken. His Eli hates him. He couldn't believe that. He thought this was a lie. He hated it.

"Y-you don't like me?" Eli looked at him for a while. His eyes turned red. Eli was even more scared. "YOU DON'T LIKE MEE!!!"

He lashed his tentacles at Eli repeatly.

"AHHHHH!!!" Eli screamed in pain.

This continued for a while.

Eli stopped screaming and Hastur stopped lashing. Eli was full of wounds everywhere. His is getting light headed as he was loosing alot of blood. "Now no one will take you away from me my love"

"Yo-u're going to- agh" Eli coughed alot of blood "ki-kill me?" "It's the only way my love, for tou to stay with me."

And at those words, he pinctured a hole theough Eli. Eli coughed up more blood as he see the light slowly fading away... until it was all black.

Eli woke up in a shock his boyfriend trying to wake him up. "My love, you were crying in you're sleep, did anything happen?" Hastur, his boyfriend asked.

'It was just a dream' Eli thought to himself. "It was nothing. Just a nightmar-" He stopped when his boyfriend hugged him tightly trying to comfort him.

"Don't worry my love, everything's fine now." Hastur said comforting Eli. Eli felt safe now.

They kissed eachother then both went back to sleep cuddling eachother.

Author's notes:
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