"Yes. There is something I came here to tell you. Why did you ask Joanna to make me waffles?, did I tell you I wanted to eat waffles?, have I ever walked up to you to demand waffles from you? . no no no, just tell me, have I ever done that?" I asked and he stared at me with wide eyes.

     "Uh..Snow, are you alright?" He asked and that just intensified my anger, what does he mean?.

     "Are you implying that I'm sick?, I sound crazy to you now?, is this the part where you call in a shrink to come check up on me?" I asked and he held my hand in his and I blinked.

    "You like waffles Snow. I told you I study you and I know you eat waffles, I wouldn't say it's your best food but I know you do eat it so why all this hatred towards the poor thing" he said and on a normal day I would have been touched that he takes note of the things I do so much but today, it just vexed me. He had absolutely no right, he wouldn't talk to me yet he studies me?, he has never for once hugged me but he knows how to notice the things I do?. What the hell!

     "Why study me so much when you don't even like me?" I asked removing my hands from his and stabbing his chest with my index finger.


     "Don't Snow me Ian. It's unfair!. It's unfair how you pass by me every morning and you won't even acknowledge me as your wife, it's unfair how you spend more time in front of TV than you spend with me yet you rarely watch the TV, it's unfair how we're just strangers who are sharing the same roof which explains your shocked reaction when I entered your room. It's unfair how I'm the only one who gets to feel like this while you feel absolutely nothing!" I said and my eyes widened when I realized what I said. God please don't let him notice.

     "Don't study me anymore Ian. If you wanna know me, ask me. Don't tell Jo or any of the maids what to make for me, you have no right to do that, I am nothing to you, don't hold my hands or say words that are gonna get into my head like you did in your office a week ago if your actions are gonna be the exact opposite. Stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours" I said and walked out of his room with a heaving chest.

     God damn it Snow, you and your runny mouth!.


        I walked into my office and placed my head on the desk and after 5 minutes of having nothing to do, I pulled out a sketch pad and started on a design that I had been cooking up in my head for some days now.

       A knock sounded on my door and I urged the person to come in, the door opened to reveal Zoey, one of the designers and a friend.

     "Hey Zoey" I said with a smile. My foul mood had gone down a lot and I was feeling much much better.
     "Hey pretty. How are you?" She asked taking the seat directly in front of me, her big blue eyes always always made me feel jealous.

      "I'm good. You are looking rather dashing this morning. Who are you all dressed up for?" I said taking in her red knee length gown which complimented her Olive skin.

      "Come on. This is just a normal outfit" She said but I didn't miss the light blush that coated her cheeks. Thank you so much for sending Zoey to feed me with gists Lord.

      "Hmmm. Your normal outfit consists of jeans, flannel, sneakers and maybe hoodie on good days and that blush on your cheeks isn't very convincing. Who's he?, does he work here?" I asked and she gave me a bewildered look.

     "No!. Of course not" she said and I laughed slightly. We always made jokes about the men in this office and how they were so womanly.

     "So there's a he afterall. Wanna tell me about this man of yours?" I asked and she gave me the evil eye.

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