A Glee Club Reunion

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, bud, look, she wants to play with you" he tells her.

"Ah" he squeals before laughing with Isabella.

"Just watch him" I tell Bas as I nodded my head toward Blaine.

"Of course" I soon wander over to Santana, who was still comforting Brittany. She wasn't crying anymore, she just seemed a little upset.

"What's happened? Is she ok?" I ask San.

"Yeah, I think she was trying to tell me that she had leant to far forward on her chair and just fell out of it" she explains.

"Aww, bless her"

"You ok now, sweetie? Look, do you want to go play with Blaine and Isabella? Blaine's playing with her" I tell her but she just shook her head 'no', which meant she was probably a bit embarrassed and upset because she would never turn down an opportunity to go play with Isabella.

"Oh no, look at the time" Bas comes over to me.


"What's wrong?" Will asks.

"It's about lunchtime and Blaine will immediately want it if we say it out loud" I explain to him, whispering the word 'lunchtime'.

"Oh ok, we can go now if you want?" He suggests.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'm a little bit peckish now that I think about it" he chuckles. We all head down to the cafeteria, making sure that Blaine was with someone in case he did a runner or something.

"Sit there, bud, I'll be back" Sebastian tells him as he set him down next to me and went to go get Blaine's food.

"Baba" he whines, wanting Sebastian to take him back.

"I'll be back in a sec" he tells him.

"Baba" he whines.

"Take him with you, just make sure he stays with you though although there's no one else in here except all of us" I say as I set Blaine down and he follows Sebastian.

"C'mon bud" I soon hear Sebastian as Blaine was just looking around, slowly following Sebastian. He sets the tray down that he somehow managed to fit all of our lunches on before chasing Blaine.

"Thanks Finn" he says as he took Blaine from Sebastian.

"He's fast" Finn chuckles.

"Yeah, perhaps we should sign you up for the football team" Finn jokes. (soccer)

"Yeah, maybe you could get them to win" we soon eat lunch and just sit around the tables, talking whilst Daniel, Brittany and Blaine chased each other with Isabella laughing at them.

"Aww, I can't wait for her to start joining in with them, it'll be cute" Rachel coos.

"Not when she's at home, getting into everything" we joke.

"Well yeah, that's true" she chuckles.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" We soon hear Puck call out as he started playing with them after a while.

"What's wrong?" San asks.

"They were just going a little fast and almost ended up in the corner of the table" he explains.

"Ok, you want to take the kids back to the choir room? You know, where it's a little safer?" Will asks.


"Come on kiddos" Will gathers them up and we all head back to the choir room.

"Dada" I hear Blaine as he turned around and started running towards me.

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