"Me and you are picking up lunch for us and Dakota, what do you fancy?" I look to Dulcie in the mirror as she cuddles her teddy. "Not sure daddy.." I know she's getting sleepy. "What about mc Donald's?" I ask, trying my hardest to keep her awake.

"Yay!" She giggles at me, kicking her feet softly. "I need you to stay awake for me until we get back to mine, then you can nap when you've ate baby" i say as I pull into McDonald's drive through. I order and collect our food, then drive us both the rest of the way home.

We pull up outside and I notice that Dulcie has nodded off to sleep, I smile at her then get out just as Dakota comes out the front door to see if I need help. "Could you grab Dulcie for me? We need to try and wake her so she can eat" I say causing Dakota to nod and pout. "I'll grab her.. are you okay with everything else?" She asks as she unstraps Dulcie from her seat, picking her up gently.

"I'm okay with everything else" I nod and smile as I watch her walk into the house stroking my daughters back as she stirs. I grab the food and Dulcie's bags and come through to the kitchen. It's then that I hear Dakota and Dulcie giggling with each other as Zepp fusses over Dulcie, causing my heart to beat faster.

"Hurry daddy, we hungry" I hear Dulcie whine jokingly as Dakota giggles at her. "Well, a second ago you was sleeping missy" I say causing her to giggle. I set the food down on the coffee table and sit next to Dakota, reaching for her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. She smiles and returns a squeeze before sorting the bags out.

Dulcie is sat next to Dakota, watching and patiently waiting for her food, which she puts into Dakota's knee so it's easier for her to eat. I smile watching them. Dakota helps cut Dulcie's nuggets so they aren't too hot, and Dulcie thanks her sweetly before starting to eat.

"You okay?" I ask Dakota quietly as we all tuck into our food. "I'm great" she smiles and if I'm not mistaken, she has a look Of relief on her face. I lean over, kissing her cheek gently before continuing to eat my meal.

*Dakota's POV*

It's later in the afternoon now, Dulcie Has just woke from her nap and she's currently tucked into Jamie's side in between us both. Zepp wonders over to us resting is head against Dulcie's foot, causing her to giggle as she pets his head gently.

"I think he wants to go for a walk" I whisper to her laughing a little as her little face lights up. "Can we take him?!" She looks from me to her daddy, we both nod and she jumps down from the couch to grab her shoes. Zepp jumps off after her causing her to giggle.

I stand, but before I walk off to get my shoes I bend down, cupping Jamie's chin with my hand and kissing him gently on the lips. "I love you" I mumble as we pull away. "I love you too baby.. always" he smiles, getting up as we both go to get our shoes on.

"Shall we put your coat on babe?" I ask Dulcie, although it's March, it stills gets a little cold out when it's dark and the suns just about to set. She nods, coming over to me and holding her arms out for me to put them into her coat sleeves, i kneel down to her as I fasten it up and tap the tip of her nose gently, she wrinkles her nose and giggles cutely throwing her arms around my neck.

"Fank you 'kota" she hugs me tightly, I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her gently just as jamie comes to the hallway, he grins at me when he sees us and I smile shyly at him. "You're welcome precious girl" I stroke her hair as I stand up, getting my shoes on before sliding a hoodie over my top.

Jamie attaches Zepp to his lead and together we walk out the front door, locking up and wandering across and down the road to the little forest that is there. We let Zepp off his lead and watch as he and Dulcie run off in front.

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now