"alright see you later" harry says

"love you" louis says as harry says an i love you back as louis walks out of the studio

"well lets get back to why you are here i mean other than dropping your new single and album" nick says as the family walks into the studio" well this is a treat the whole family is here and we all have a special announcment"

"ok what is your special announcement" harry says

"well we are having our annual charity benefit concert for DIANA'S HOPE" ed says

"tickets go on sale on friday at 10AM" hailee says

"well that is not all" harry says

"we are also having a raffle the website link is on the BBC radio website" nick says

"and to make is fair we are randomly picking 5 winners no matter how small or large your donations are, the winners will fly out with 3 friends to spend a weekend with the entire family, and yes kids are included" jeff says

"but wait there is more" shawn says

"the night of the charity concert we are going to be auctioning off all the guys for a chance to have a home cooked meal prepared by the moms" julia says

"so get your check books ready and yes you can pull all your money together and we all will be there, and remember its all for a good cause" diana says proudly

"well lets take some questions" nick says

"alright jessica pick a number from 1 to 20" nick says

"7" jessica says

"hi what is your name and how old are you" nick says

"ohh geez i am trying not to curse right now" the caller says " my name is marcia and i am 18"

"hi marcia" everyone says at the same time

"well my question is, geez i can do this" the caller says" i have been on diana's hope webpage and you all do alot of fundraising its incredible, but i wanted to tell you guys that i was in an abusive relationship and i heard about diana's hope and i read her story and that day i realized that i needed to leave, so i followed what the website said, i made a plan i gave myself 6 months and i saved enough money and i was able to leave at 3 months, thank you diana for giving me hope that i can leave that was a year ago and i have been so much happier, i got myself back in school, i always told myself that if i ever got the chance to talk to you i wanted you to know how you saved me and gave me hope thank you diana for being brave and sharing your story with the world, and if the meza family is there when i read sandras story i knew i didn't want that i happen to me i knew i had to leave, thank you both"

"umm" diana says as she wipes a tear as ed hugs her tightly and whispers an i love you in her ear" hold on i can do this" she says as she takes a deep breath" i always said if diana's hope can save one person then our mission will be done and hearing women and men tell me their story of survival i know we are doing the right thing in helping abuse victims and survivors"

"thank you but i dont think i would of been able to do it if it wasn't for your resources, which i might add are amazing the people never leave your side even now my case worker still checks on me once a month and that means that some actually cares and that means alot" the caller says

"um will you be willing to talk about your story at the concert, i think your story might help someone" diana asks

"i would love to"

"well stay on the line so i can get you pauline and she can get your information" nick says " alright family take a deep breath"

"shut up nicolas" david says as he starts to cry

Secrets The Heart Holds - LARRY STYLINSON   MPREGWhere stories live. Discover now