Chapter 3

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The following morning, louis gets up and goes to class and at the end of the day he comes back home and liam and zayn are waiting for him

"you got everything you need" zayn says

"yeah plane tickets, passport" louis says as they walk out the door and go the liams car and head to the airport once they get there louis checks in and hugs liam and zayn good bye as he heads thru security and then heads to his gate number soon louis is on his way to his parents house 2 hours later and louis lands as the plane lands he text his mom that he is there and  his mom text him back that she is there already louis gets off the plane and makes his way to see his mom and as he walks thru the airport he sees her and runs to her and hugs her tightly"mom i am broken i dont know what to do" is all louis can say

"its ok sweetheart when we get home you can tell me everything and we can see how i can help you" jay says as they got to baggage claim and soon they are on their way home once they get there louis is attacked by little bodies all excited that their big brother is home

"ohh i missed all of you" louis says as he hugs each of his sisters tight

"mom let us stay up so we can say hi" lottie says

"well that was nice of her" louis says as he looks at his mom

"well its bedtime , you all will have time to spend wiht louis tomorrow" jay says as she and louis hug and kiss each of the kids as they all go upstairs to their rooms

"wheres dan" louis asks

"he got called in for emergency surgery" jay says"lottie and fiz were here so everything is ok"

"ohh sure"

"now talk" jay says

"mom" louis says nervously" i need to start from the begining" he says as he takes a deep breath and starts to tell jay everything that has been going on from the dare where it all started to dating sean and still sleeping with harry to the last fight he and harry had jay giving her input every so often" but mom here is where its going to get complicated"

"what else is there for you to tell me" jay says with a laugh

"well mom i found out i am 11 weeks pregnant" louis says as he takes  out the ultrasound picture and hands it to her"mom i'm sorry its was stupid of me to think this wouldn't happen to me"

"louis what is done in done, we cant go back" jay says" have you told harry"

"NO" louis says" he wants nothing to do with me why should i tell him"

"louis" jay says

"mom wait there's more" louis says and starts telling her about what happened at seans house and how liam and zayn took him to the hospital and have been caring for him" so yeah that is about what has been going on"

"louis i know your stubborn so listen to me and i really don't care if you agree with me or not but here it goes" jay says" you are at fault for some of this"

"mom how" louis says

"look how would you feel if sean did to you what you did to him" jay says" answer me, would you like it"

"no  i guess not" but mom he over reacted"

"yes he did that was uncalled for and i am kinda glad he did now and not later when you were to deep that you couldn't see that it was a toxic situation" jay says" but louis you cheated on sean with harry"

"mom i get it" louis says

"did he know about sean"

"yeah and that is where it started to go wrong he said he couldn't  keep sharing me that it was him or sean, told me he was madly in love with me that i had to choose" louis says " but mom i couldn't loose him as my best friend mom i can't "

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