Chapter 5

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the following morning the 5 friends all get up and get ready to head to the airport as louis gets olivia and harry, niall, zayn and liam take all the luggage to the car when everyone is settled the driver makes his way to the airport

"mr styles we have arrived and the pilot has confirmed that your flight is leaving on time" the driver says as he opens the car door and they all start to get off the car, the driver opens the trunk of the car and the luggage handlers start to get the bags from the car and put them on the plane as all the friends get in the plane

"you bought an airplane" louis says as his eyes widen

"yeah its much easier than using a regular airline and when i have interviews i can just come home this is the most expensive thing i have bought other than the house but i think i'm going to sell it, i am never there, might get something closer to you guys" harry says

"wow" liam says" i can get used to the luxury life"

"i think we can all get used to the luxuty life" zayn says

"Is munchkin still sleeping" harry ask as he puts his arms out as louis hands her to him

"yeah, she sleeps like you when she is out and she is out" louis says

"lou" harry says" move in with me"

"i dont know we just got back together 2 days ago" louis says

"well we haven't been apart in 2 days except for you leaving to work" harry says

"why make him suffer you know you want to and will do it" zayn says" i just want my visit with munchkin"

"and if i say yes" louis says

"i will buy you any house you want" harry says

"i can not be easily bought" louis replies

"i know you like to play hard to get" harry teases

"how about we make it thru this weekend and then we will talk about it" louis says

"fine" harry says and soon they all fall asleep and woken up when the pilot annouces they have arrived when the door opens they see a car service that was waiting for them they get in and make their way to louis parents house since they had the biggest house

"lou" jay says as they walk in the house" are you guys hungry" jay says as she hugs louis tightly

"of course is that even a question" niall responds

"lou"  dan louis dad says

"dad, hi, you know everyone" louis says as he hugs his dad

"yeah of course how are you all doing" dan says as they all respond that they were doing good" finally figured it all out didnt you"

"yeah finally" harry says

"we thought this day would never come" jay says "and what about olivia"

"yeah she is so attached to him already, she forgot about me" louis says

"she just wants to bond with her dad" jay says

"i know but i leave and she is ok but harry leaves and its like she will never see him again" louis says

"lou, grow up" jay says" so i told anne, robin and gemma to come over for breakfast they should be here in s few minutes"

"yeah can i go and change" harry says

"yeah you and the boys will be in the guest house, lou  and olivia will be in louis room" jay says

"but mom harry and i are back together" louis says

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