Meeting New People

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I got out of my Uber feeling tired as ever. I planned on taking a nap on the 3-hour flight from New York to Florida, but it didn't pan out since there was a crying baby on the plane. It was alright though, can't really blame a kid from being upset. I remember flying when I was younger. The popping ears, the movement of the plane- I absolutely hated it. 

I texted Patton to let him know I was here.

After tipping the cab driver, I pulled my grey suitcase out of the trunk and felt a wave of embarrassment because of how busy it looked. There were countless stickers from Steven Universe and The Legend of Korra, ribbons tied to the handle- not to mention the fact that I painted sunflowers all over the back. I loved the details, but looking at it now it all seemed childish. I knew Patton would love the decor but I wasn't so sure about the others. 

Pulling up the handle on the suitcase I began walking towards the apartment. Damm. This thing is heavy. Even with the wheels, I can feel myself slowing down. I had to turn around to pull it with both wheels.  I wonder if it's my laptop weighing everything, it's definitely all of my sketchbooks and notebooks. 9 is a bit excessive some might say but I like to have them organized. One for sketches, a notebook for bullet journaling, moleskin for ideas, a planner, my Canson watercolor...okay. It's a lot.

"Need any help darling?" I bend back to see a tall man smiling over me. 

I turn around quickly to pull myself together, and scan the person up and down. Broad shoulders, perfect teeth, maybe 6'5". He is wearing light blue jeans, cuffed to reveal the bright red socks under his black vans, perfectly matching his red crewneck sweater. His hair looked like it had no product, but you could tell something was done to it because it was kept in perfect thick brown waves.

"I know, I know- I'm a lot to take in. You can take a picture if you want," he said with a wink. Flirt. That's got to be Roman. 

"No thanks I don't want to risk breaking my lens," I smirked quickly, aware that everyone in this household is used to teasing one another.

"OH! YES! I LIKE HER!" I heard the same voice from the phone earlier yelling from the doorway. 

I tilted my body to the left, looked past Roman, and saw that the front door was left open. Leaning on the doorway was a guy with messy purple and black hair. I couldn't see his hands because they were engulfed in his hoodie. So much for me assuming Virgil was quiet.

"Virge go back inside!" Roman yelled back at his friend.

"No way," Virgil stepped out of the doorway and walked towards us. He was slightly slumped down as he walked. "That's $5. Pay up." 

Roman stuck his hands into his jean's pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill that Virgil immediately took out of his hand. Virgil smirked, "Thank you". He turned around and paced back towards the door.

"I need five back!" Roman hollered.

"Sorry," Virgil said keeping his pace and his eyes forward. He waved the bill in his hand, "I'm out of change"

I couldn't help but laugh at the encounter. Roman huffed under his breath, losing his charming persona for just a second before turning back to me.

"Let's get you inside. I'll pull the bag"

Roman's P.O.V-  10 minutes earlier. 


"They're here! Everyone get together. I'll set the table-", Patton said frantically walking in the hallway.

"-Roman no games be nice"

"When am I not?"

"Virgil you just, you...sit there and be yourself. LOGAN! COME DOWNSTAIRS!" Patton has been frantic all day. I'm not sure why, anyone who comes into this house immediately loves us, or at least, loves me. 

"Patton, everything will be fine", I try to assure him.

"Yes, everything will be fine as long as prince charming doesn't hit on her", Virge said looking at his phone. I don't understand how he hasn't caused a huge dent in the couch with him sitting in the same spot all the time.

"Please," I tell him. " I do not hit on people, they just come to me" 

Patton sighed. "Guys, please. Y/N will be living with us. So no one gets to date them, okay? They're a really good friend and I'd appreciate if we all kept it at that"

I know this really means a lot for Patton. He and Y/N have gotten really close, they're almost closer than him and Virgil. Scratch that, who am I kidding? No one is closer than those two. But with all the photos he has shown us of the two together, I could tell they are important to him. Even so, he has no reason to be nervous. Living together isn't exactly a big deal. The five of us have been living together for the past 8 years and it's just made us a lot closer.

With that being said...

"I bet you $5.00 I can get their number in under 5 minutes," I say confidently, staring Virgil down.

"I'll take that bet," Virgil says, placing $5 on the coffee table in front of him. "From what I've heard she doesn't seem like the type to fall for you"

Patton's eyebrows furrowed, "Guys! First of all Virgil, that's not very nice to say. Second of all - no one is betting on Y/N! I just said that! Was no one listening?"

"The bet is in place. Sander's house rules. No going out on a bet," I said.

The sound of a car outside came through the doorway. They're here. I ran to the window to see them struggling to pull the brightest suitcase I had ever seen out of the back of a Toyota Corolla. Virgil joined me. "Huh. They're cute," he commented. An idea for a pickup line entered my brain. I'm about to be five dollars richer. 

"Virgil please tell him!" Patton pleaded.

"They are the house rules. You made em Pat," Virgil said backing me up.

"Thanks, Virgil. Now if you'll all excuse me - I have a bet to win"

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