12: Ridicluous

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It is a curious thought, but it is only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them.

-Agatha Christie


"H-Harry....Harry please....Harry wake up." The short blonde boy whispered as he shook the sleeping golden boy in an attempt to wake him. But his attempts were useless as Harry simply rolled over, muttering a charm of some sort under his breath. Draco whimpered at the action and raced round to the other side of the bed so he was talking to Harrys face, not his back. "Harry!"

Finally Harry opened his eyes, letting the low lighting the moon outside offered adjust to his pupils, although everything remain a little fuzzy due to the lack of glasses. A small blurry shape could be made out, and as it moved closer it came into focus, and Harry could see it was Draco.

The smile that Harry had sprouted from seeing Draco disappeared as he say the shiny reflection of tear stains on his cheeks. He sat up, extremely concerned and leaned over to turn the light on so he could see what was going on just a little bit better. "Draco? It's-" he looks at the clock, "4:20 in the morning! Whats wrong?"

Draco sniffed, wiped his tears and took a deep breath, preparing himself for what he was going to say. "Sophie died."

Harry opened his mouth and closed it, not quite sure how to respond. He had no idea who Sophie was, but she must have been important to his little boyfriend if her death has gotten him so worked up that he's snuck into the Gryffindor boys dormitory just to see him. And he didn't want to sound rude and inconsiderate of Dracos feelings by asking who the hell Sophie was. "Um..."

"She had so much going for her too!" Draco sobbed, climbing onto Harrys bed and under the duvet, burying his face into Harrys chest. Harry himself was a little shocked but placed his arms around the blonde in an effort to console him.

"I'm sorry for your loss?" It didn't mean to come out as a question, but Draco took no notice. "So...um, when is the funeral?"

Draco sat up in Harrys arms and wiped his eyes again. "I dunno. They haven't said anything yet."


"But Harry, she didn't deserve to die! She was just...like, she was just really... and i don't know how everyones gonna carry on without her!" He clutched at his hair, "I just can't believe it..."

"Hm, so were you and Sophia close?" Harry asked softly.

"Sorta. She was my favorite out of everyone in Northdale."

Harry had never heard of Northdale. "Oh. Was she nice?"

Draco snorted. "No, she was a evil. Like, she made Ella and Quinn get a divorce because she didn't want them to get the house, and it worked but Quinn still got the house because his dad took pity on him. So then Sophie got like, really mad and started hiring all these sluts to pursue Quinn so he'd sleep with them and then get a bad name so their father would disown him and then she would get the house...but...that didn't work either."

"She sounds like a total bitch."

"Yeah, she was." Draco smirked then started to cry again. "But then she died!"

"Do...do you know how she died?"

"She was murdered."

"That's terrible. Who killer her?" Harry brushed his fingers through the distraught boys hair.

"I don't know. But my guess is that it's the baker, Mr Abraham Bable that Sophie was sleeping with for a while. But she broke up with him to be with this other man who had like, heaps and heaps of money. And poor Bable has never gotten over it. But i can't be sure until July."

"Have they-" Harry yawns and leans back down onto the pillows on the bed, dragging the blonde with him. "Have they taken Babe-"


"Bable into custody yet?"

Draco snuggles into Harrys side. "No, he ran away because Ella saw him walk out with a bloody knife in his hand." He suddenly sits up and stares at Harry. "Which is weird because Sophie was killed by poison...."

"So the killer might still out there?" The black haired boy mumbles into his pillow, once again dragging Draco back down into his arms.


They lay together quietly and Harry is just on the brink of sleep, completely comfortable with Draco next to him when he hears the blonde speak again. "Hey Harry..."


"I think that Ella was secretly pleased that Sophie had died, because she didn't tell the police or anything, she just let someone else discover the body."

"Hm." Harry murmur noncommittally, tightening his hold.

"I can't wait for the next book to come out because then i would know for sure who killed her. Because it still might not be-"

"Wait..." Harry started, looking at his boyfriend incredulously. "Book?" Harry's mind was trying desperately to connect the dots.

"Yeah. Anyway, it still might not be-"

"Draco...you're crying over a death from someone in a book?"

"I told you, she was killed-"

"Sophie is a made-up character? She's not real?"

"Yes she is!"

"No, like, she's not a real person."

"Well...not physically." Draco said shyly, twisting his hands.

Harry sighed deeply. Getting woken up at 4:30 in the morning because someone in a book that Harry has not read nor will probably never will read has died, is not okay with him. Draco was really taking this seriously, he's freaking crying. This is the sort of behavior one would expect from a Hufflepuff or maybe even a Ravenclaw...not a sophisticated pureblood Slytherin who was part of the Malfoy family. This was... Ridiculous.

Utterly ridiculous.

Harry was too tired to be angry, so instead he just laid back down and pulled the duvet over him and the other boy, nuzzling into his hair. He'll deal with whatever this is in the morning. He couldn't say that he wasn't used to his over dramatic boyfriends antics, but seriously...it was 4:30 in the morning. However he did grin slightly, amused by the whole ordeal now that he thought it over. But still...4:30...

"Harry?" Draco ventured.

"Go to sleep." Was his grunted answer.


"Nope. Sleep. Now."

It was quite for one minute, and Harry thought that maybe the blonde had finally did as he was told. He let his body relax and sighed in content, taking a deep breath of Draco's sent before he was awoken again.

"Do you suppose Sophie knew people wanted to kill her?"

By SuicidalRenaissance

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