Chapter 3 "Walk the plank!"

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Leaving the sleeping Foxy, who was leaning his back against an oak tree, Aria the Wolf slipped through the wall of ferns and bushes. She walked through a shadowy glade, sunlight pouring through the spaces if branches, dappling the forest below.

Aria had thought back to what Foxy said long ago.

If ye stayed back there, ye would've made a great entertainer for der children.

His voice was gentle and benevolent and Aria couldn't concede that. His roguish demeanor had seemed to completely vanish at that moment. Then her heart felt heavy. Maybe he was feeling lonely... so that's why he made me.

"So he'll never be alone," she finished aloud. The dark forest had suddenly became light. She halted in the center of a small clearing. She stood in a pool of light and her golden eyes glistened intensely.

"You should be afraid!" A high-pitched, faltered voice screeched in the distance. It was faint and echoed into dead silence.

Frantically, Aria the Artist looked around, eyes filled with shock. She couldn't find out where the voice came from, until the faltering voice wailed again, even closer. "Be banished!"

Hurriedly, Aria shot back to where she came from. But, at full sprint, it seemed to take longer than usual. She suddenly began to realize the unfamiliar placement of ferns. She was heading the wrong way!

Like a hasty decision the vegetation rapidly became dead and dry, the ferns sulking brown and lifelessly. The sunlight soon vanished into a tainted purple darkness. The growth of trees clustered in her path. She skid to a halt and pressed her back against a dead tree, its base covered by mushrooms and fungi.

A pair of glowing red eyes flashed in the darkness before her. They swayed from side to side, as if lured by the rhythm of a slow waltz.

A children's music box played in the background, sharp and crisp in the dead silence. Those red eyes continued swaying, easing closer and closer until it was clear that they had no iris.

A dank odor grazed against her cheeks. The music stopped. The red eyes, now inches from her nose, glared at her intently. "Join us." the stranger hissed.

Aria was frozen on her feet and against the tree, not moving an inch. She held her breath away in terror.

Almost at an instant, strange light glowed from behind her, only revealing the creature's face as it released a bloodcurdling scream. It was the most terrifying image of a raccoon: rows of razor blades for teeth flashed malevolently, his face battered and scarred heavily. His smile was curvy and reached practically from ear to ear. Aria could make out openings around both of his eyes. He must be another animatronic.

Yowling and wailing with terror, sounding anomalistic herself, she pelted out and sprinted with all her energy. Aria could hear the swishing of dead ferns behind her; the wild energy from the raccoon was right behind her.

Her mind was whirling with electricity and a feeling of incontrollable terror. The raccoon's hot breath, stinky and dank, rubbed against her furred back.

Aria burst into a sunlit clearing. She skid to a halt and stood hunkered down near the other end of the glade, breathing heavily. Aria turned around, breathlessly, and noticed the raccoon animatronic wasn't there. Relief flooded over her. She realized that she was back at where she started from.

Feet scuffled lazily against the soft grass in front of her. She swung her head at the sound, in fear. A reddish pelt flashed between low hanging branches and undergrowth. Foxy emerged, limping, with ebbing drowsiness in his eyes.

"Arg, I say, ye been here while I was relaxin' me endoskeleton?" asked Foxy in his roguish voice.

Aria felt allayed at the familiar voice of the pirate. "Yeah, I was waiting for you here." Fear ebbed away from her system. She felt safe under the sun's rays, their pelts bathed in the warmth, standing in the pool of sunlight.

Foxy hobbled around her. He was examining her pelt, noticing the smudges and small scratches that torn her back. "Aye, ye been tusslin' wid a rogue?" he exclaimed, envy of missing out on a fun skirmish hinted his tone.

Aria turned at him. "I fell asleep here and had a nightmare." she lied. I nearly walked the plank!

Ferns rustled behind them and a creature stepped out in the sunlit clearing. Aria looked at him and her endoskeleton went numb. That was the raccoon that chased her!

But the raccoon wore a fair face. His eyes were white with blue irises. His teeth were round and flat like a human, a warm smile, that was in normal length, bore across his face. His face, however, was still scarred. His demeanor looked battle-worn, as if he was a senior veteran fighter.

Foxy hobbled away to meet the raccoon animatronic. "Aye, Flippsie! Where ye been all dis time, mate?"

Mate? She stared at the once savaging beast in silence.

"I was lookin' fer you, Cap'n. " Flippsie the Raccoon gave Aria a warm look, though his gaze was wide with familiarity at first. "Say, who's this young lady?" he asked.

Foxy hobbled up to her side. "This here is Aria the Artist. She would've been an entertainer for der children back at Freddy Fazbear Pizza."

Flippsie twisted his face in disgust. "You mean that nasty skinbag place where all der skinbags gather to watch Filth-Animatronics dance and sing around fer der filthy skinbag kids?" he said it all too fast ththat Aria couldn't catch it.

Foxy nodded hastily, his hanging jawline clattering. "We're runnin' away from der place." he pointed out.

Flippsie's eyes flew open, his mouth in a wide grin. "That's some great news!" he exclaimed. "You can come back to der ship with her and me."

Come back to the ship? A state of realization pricked her pelt. What if Foxy had a home before he came to Freddy Fazbear pizza? She looked at the pirate fox. Both of his eyes were visible, glistening with gratefulness for being back with his old companion, which he had no idea that his companion chased her down to the death.

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