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When seth open up the door , he saw a grin on Josh face as he knew that Seth can't tolerate his attitude. When Josh finish grinning . seth reply "what do you want". With an annoyed face .

" I just want to check if you are alive".Josh reply.

   " I'm alive so go home ". Seth reply.

As set was about to close the door, josh stop him from doing so by grabbing seth arm.Seth was in shock and immedietly slap Josh arm away.

"Look I know what you are trying to do so stop". Says seth.

" No, I can't leave you like this you getting more and more worse every time I see you".says Josh

" who cares , you don't even know me" .seth reply with a harsh tone.

As they were fighting with each other word, suddenly a bright beam suddenly emerged on the ground of their feet.Before they could escape , they got sucked to the ground as if they were falling with a high speed. When They were falling , they saw everything around them are white and over the distance they hear a voice that seem like its almost singing.

As they were mesmerized by the beauty, they suddenly saw a cement that is not apart of the hole.Seth and Josh noded to each other that the cement was probably a sign that they are in someplace unknown.

As they reach the cement, setha and josh couldn't believe their eyes of what they saw, they saw a hundred of people with robes and a stick attach to a ball that shine surrounding them both, they saw a girl who wear jewlery all over them in the far corner and a knight surrounding the girl.

Suddenly when they were in a dazed , the girl suddenly introdues herself as princess maria and welcome seth and  Josh to the kingdom of wern.

After the brief sentence from maria the whole people that in there suddenly rejoice and shout."we finnaly succeed in summoning the hero so will save us".

During this whole incident Seth was confuse as to why they say that but one thing he knew for sure is that his life of consist on doing the same thing everyday about to be different.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2019 ⏰

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