"Can you get either coffee or cookies and cream." she nodded and kissed me again.

"I'll be back." I giggled and nodded.

"Byeeee!! Love you." Demi chuckled and turned around.

"I love you too baby." I grinned and covered my face with the covers.

She laughed and walked out of the room, I waited for a few seconds before hearing the door to the dorm open and then close.

I was alone now.

I sat for a moment, wondering what I wanted to do. I looked at the nightstand and didn't see my phone so I really couldn't scroll through anything or watch a video.

I sighed and laid down.

I grunted and laid on my side, pulling the covers over my body and closing my eyes.

A nap was what I needed.


I let out a grunt as I felt myself being shaken.

"Come on baby, wake up." I whined and pushed my face into the pillow, not wanting to wake up but rather to sleep.

I opened my eyes a little and saw Demi rubbing my back, she had put on sweatpants and a t-shirt.

When she saw my eyes flutter open she smiled, leaning down and kissing the top of my head.

"There's my sleepy baby." I groaned again and just snuggled into the bed.

She chuckled and stood up, walking out of the room and back again, this time holding a box of pizza and some other foods.

I smiled and slowly sat up, Demi placed the box on the bed and also put the rest of the stuff on the bed as well. She walked over and bent down, pulling something out from under the bed.

I looked over the edge and saw her pull out a little table thing, it was compact-able and had wheels.

She stood up and unfolded it, making it stand.

She took some of the other foods and put them on the little table.

I smiled as she pulled it over and had it resting a few inches from my lap. She got on the bed and sat next to me, pulling the covers over our legs.

I smiled and snuggled close to her, she wrapped her arms around me and leaned my body against hers.

"Can we watch YouTube?" Demi looked at me and nodded, pulling her phone out and connecting YouTube to her TV.

I smiled as she handed me the phone, letting me find a video.

I quickly searched up a SamandColby video and just clicked.

I smiled as the TV screen came alive with sounds and images.

I looked over at Demi and saw her Already eating the pizza, she looked over at me and we just stared for a second. I let out a tiny snicker and shook my head.

I grabbed a piece as well and started to eat.

It was good.

We watched a few more videos and eventually finished the pizza. I smiled as Demi got up and went and got the ice cream. I clapped my hands like a little kid as she brought it over.

Demi laughed and placed the ice cream container on my lap, tossing a spoon at me as well.

She sat back down in the bed and we started to eat the ice cream, watching more videos as we ate.

The ice cream container wasn't big by any means, it was actually quite small.

We only got half way through it before I sighed. Demi looked over and smiled, bringing her hand up and wiping the mess from my face.

"Come on, lets clean up and then snooze." I nodded and got out from under the covers, putting the cover on the ice cream container and taking it, as well as some trash, out to the trash can.

Demi followed close behind me and made sure I wasn't going to fall.

I threw the trash in the trash can and took the ice cream and put it in her freezer.

Demi smiled and came over, wrapping her arms around my waist. I giggled and laid my head on her shoulder.

"Thank you for helping me." I nodded and just relaxed in her arms.

"Come on, sleep in bed, not while standing up." I chuckled and nodded, letting her lead me back to her room.

"Just push the table thing over there." I nodded and pushed it over to the wall.

When I turned around Demi was already under the covers, I sighed and walked over, switching the lights off.

I walked over and flopped on the bed, crawling my way under the covers and into her arms.

Demi pulled me into her and kissed me, I whined and pushed my face into the pillow.

"Go to sleep baby. You got a whole day ahead of your tomorrow." I sighed and nodded, getting comfortable in bed.

Demi brought her hand up and kept running her fingers through my hair, I closed my eyes and relaxed.

Slowly but surely I fell asleep.


Sorry for taking forever to update. I don't know what happened at all.
I'm gonna attempt to update more often but I really don't know what's gonna happen.

Yet again sorry.

Who's in charge?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon