eight ¥ go get your man

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   Considering they had driven to the next town over, when they got back home, it was about six in the evening. The dance started at eight-thirty, and Rhia knew that she was only going to straighten her hair, maybe braid it into an up-do, so they had time to get dinner.
   "I know we just had it last night, but I am really craving some Paper Lantern, you down?" Lucy asked as they drove to the restaurant already. Rhia laughed.
   "It looks like I don't have a choice."
   Lucy grinned evilly. "No, no you do not have a choice."
   Internally, Rhia was hoping that Warren had just been there with Layla, that he didn't work there, but her gut was telling her it was a long shot. The same woman from the night before sat them at a booth and took their orders. Involuntarily, Rhia's eyes scanned the restaurant, widening when she saw Mr. Madulla and Boomer sitting at a booth. Two women clung to Mr. Madulla's arms, and Boomer looked absolutely miserable. The teen turned to her sister.
   "I'm going to save Uncle Boomer from that travesty of a double date," she said, getting up and walking over. Boomer's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree at the sight of his niece. "Hey, Uncle Boomer, Lucy and I are eating over there if you'd like to join us. It's been awhile since we've had family time." Boomer was out of his seat as soon as she offered for him to join them, not even saying goodbye to the trio at the table. Rhia laughed, but the sound died when she turned around and saw Warren freaking Peace at her booth, talking to her sister.
   Making their way over, Boomer squeezed in next to Lucy, who smiled and greeted him warmly. Warren happened to be standing in the entrance to Rhia's part of the booth, so she cleared her throat.
   "Excuse me," the words came out smaller than intended but they still caught the boy's attention. He jumped slightly, but moved out of the way.
   "Rhiannon," he greeted, but it was still cold, and it made her want to shrivel up in a ball and die.
   "Warren. I see you've met my sister," she gestured to the pretty woman across the table, who watched her baby sister intently.
   "Yes, I have."
   The silence following was awkward, but Boomer managed to save it. Kind of.
   "You going to the dance, Peace?" he asked. Warren dragged his eyes away from Rhia and she slumped against the back of the booth.
   "Yes, sir," he responded.
   "Who with?" Lucy chimed in, still watching Rhia, but much more discreetly than before.
   Warren's eyes shot briefly to Rhia, who was looking at her hands. "Layla Williams," he said, noticing how Rhia crushed the paper she'd been playing with in her hands. Lucy nodded.
   "She seems sweet," she went on to talk more, but a woman brought out their food and yelled at Warren in Chinese. He apologized and left. Rhia released a breath she didn't know she was holding and stuffed a piece of chicken in her mouth before Lucy could say anything. "That's him, isn't it?"
   Boomer leaned forward. "What are you talking about?"
   Lucy raised a hand, silencing him. "Girl talk, Uncle Boom. Answer the question, Rhia." With another piece of chicken in her mouth, Rhia nodded. Lucy fanned herself with one hand and laughed. "Oo-wee baby, that's a mighty fine one right there. Now eat up so we can go home and get ready."
   Rhia raised an eyebrow. "We?" she asked with a mouthful of food.
   "Oui," Lucy confirmed. "A Gwen Grayson asked me to chaperone?"
   "Oh, okay," Rhia shoveled her food into her mouth and listened as Boomer and Lucy talked among themselves. Boomer kindly took the check and thanked them for saving him from that double date gone wrong. The two girls left, Lucy maybe driving ten miles over the speed limit. As soon as they crossed the house's threshold, the oldest sister ordered Rhia to go take a shower. Rhia let the hot water sooth her tense muscles. When she got out of the shower, she let Lucy take over.
   Lucy pulled, twisted, and pinned Rhia's hair to perfection without a single complaint from the youngest sister (hair in picture above). The teen stayed perfectly still as Lucy painted a red smokey eye, amazing highlight, fierce winged eyeliner, and a glossy lipstick to finish. Opening her eyes, Rhia smiled at herself in the mirror. If Warren didn't drop dead at her beauty, surely someone else would. The duo applied enough hairspray that when she flew, her hair wouldn't go nuts. She looked at Lucy, smiling wider.
   "Thank you," she beamed. Lucy kissed the top of her head.
   "Let's go get your man."

is Warren gonna lose his marbles at how good she looks and how she's on the arm of another man?? we'll see! let me know your thoughts !!!

is Warren gonna lose his marbles at how good she looks and how she's on the arm of another man?? we'll see! let me know your thoughts !!!

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