Eyes Deceived Chapter 16

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Here is the chapter you all been waiting for

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Here is the chapter you all been waiting for. You can all now sue me for making you all suffer. - Ren


"Do you know why the crows are always near someone who is about to die?" My grandfather said. Both of us were sitting on a bench in the cemetery, looking down at the tombstones of other people I didn't recognize. The crows croaked and hawked as I responded.

"No, why?" I looked up at him, my grandfather just smiled softly. "They see what we can't see. They see the light within us, whether it was bright or dark...though I can't see in this world. I can see my own." He fixes his shades, knowing my grandfather I remembered how he lost his sight.

During the war, it was a very gruesome detail part of it. They ripped out his eyes and used them as a trophy to their sickening pleasure. Having them sewed shut, he had a new meaning to living his new life. To listen all around him was something new for him over time, watching him huff and grunt. He slowly stood up with his stick tapping onto the ground.

"Your mother told me why you never keep eye contact to others. You see them too don't you?" Blinking, I looked back down to the ground with a concerned look. Yes, I was indeed afraid of what I see right in front of me. Eyes everywhere I went, they would follow. It was...unnerving to say the least. Feeling a hand placed on my shoulder, I looked up at him as he had a very calm expression. "Some souls stay too long, they become confused with the living. The crows are here to carry them but many refuse, they see everything..."

He crouches down as he removes his shades, opening his eyes...ripping away the thread as blood travels down his face. All I see is flesh and dark holes with maggots edging out. "...just like I do."

Gasping, I suddenly sit up and felt major cold sweat on my body. Eyes widening in fear, I looked around my surroundings. Noticing we weren't in the open forest, but almost in a tattered old cabin. Looking next to me, Henry was sleeping as I turned to look in front of me and noticed the chipped window. Sighing mentally, I turned my body to sit down on the bed with my feet touching the cold floor.

Rubbing my temple, I didn't remember how we got here in the first place. Only remembering that we were having a conversation and....stitching his wound.

I turned back once more and noticed Henry was laying on his back. Knitting my brows, I gently and slowly lifted up his shirt and still seeing the wound. It was stained with deep red color instead of its natural white. I noticed my small kit on the ground as I picked it up and gently removed the stained bandage. As I did...it was covered with maggots. I looked up at Henry's face as it showed shrunken and thinned out.

His eyes hollowed and mouth agape as blood began to leak out of his mouth. Screaming in fear, I looked up all over the room were the same eyes looking around moving all over the place until they stopped dead center on me.

Feeling a violent shake on my body, I kept hearing a voice. "Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!" Suddenly opening my eyes, I screamed and shrieked until I noticed Molly in front of me. Feeling pressure on my shoulders, Molly managed to keep me still as she had a frightened expression. Feeling my heart full of adrenaline and aching with pure fear...I felt the warmth of Molly's arms embracing me.

Eyes Deceived (The Kid x Reader) - Castle RockWhere stories live. Discover now