Eyes Deceived (Chapter 3)

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Two more parts in one day?! Why not, I've been having free time and might as well continue with the idea before i lose it. Haha Enjoy! - Ren

Doors.. So many doors. Opening and closing, the sounds of the gates opening and buzzing. I was lucky enough to remember which way to go and turn for the Medical Department. I can hear faint voices in the distance of prisoners and of course the guards inside the building. But here I am, settled in the medical room. Preparing check-up tools for the patient. Luckily I was able to change my attire into a more formal from the clothes I've found from the previous nurse. Tying up my (h/c) locks into a bun. I buttoned up the white coat and checked the pockets for any loose junk or helpful tools inside it. Nothing but a gum wrapper. Wonderful.

I looked up at the clock hanging, waiting for the patient to come in.. Dennis said he should bring him in, in 20 minutes. Sighing mentally, I opened the file given to me. Seeing so little information about the patient. Only his eye/skin color, his weight and.. God damn. He's pretty tall for a guy his age. But there's not photo or any previous records. Well done Y/N, you now must figure out who the missing link is.

Hearing the door creak, my attention turned quickly. Seeing a tall figure, slowly entering inside. Noticing that the guy wasn't looking, I said. "Hey, watch your-" A small thunk was heard as the man's head hits the door frame. His expression was blank but a shed of shock was slightly shown in his dark sunked eyes. I personally tried so hard not to laugh or even snicker at the patient as he just stood there. He bend down slightly and moved his head away from the frame and his attention was towards me. Well, they sure didn't lie about his height. I gave him a gentle smile. "Are you alright? Come. " I stood up and gently pat the medical bed for him to sit. "I dont bite. " I joked.

The man slowly looked around and then back to me, he was very timid. I can see he's not much of a talker but I was surprised he walked over and sat down slowly. He's a pretty decent good-looking guy, but I knew I had to take things slow with him. So I pulled out a rolling stool and sat down a few feet away from him. He looked at me, such a blank expression...but he seemed to calm down a bit. "Im Ms. Zalewski, I'll be making sure you're in good health and get what you need. " His attention shifted as he looked around the area, clueless. I continued. "We are in the Medical Department, but if it makes you feel better. You can call me Y/N." The man looked at me. He repeats my name.

"Y/N.." I nodded and smiled. "That's right." Right when my hand moved towards him, he flinched and immediately said. "Don't touch me.. " I blinked and shook my head, sighing. "Im very sorry, how rude of me. But I need to, to see if you are healthy. " I frowned slightly and seeing he looked away once more. "..May I touch you? Just for this. Then you can go?" The man seemed very hesitant but he gave out a small nod. Still avoiding eye contact. I slowly and gently moved closer to him and checked him. He stayed perfectly still and was getting more curious on what I was doing.

Grabbing the tools to check his eyes, ears, mouth..I've checked his temperature and heartbeat to see his vitals are working well. He's very thin though.. Whoever had him, must've rarely feed him. His eyes were red and sunken.. Seems like he lacks sleep. Could have Insomnia. I began to write everything down on the file once I was finished and pulled away from him. The man still looked at me as I write down the information. I began to speak. "Everything seems on check, you are healthy but you lack nutrition and sleep. I suggest now you eat and sleep more. It'll take some time for you to adjust but other than that. You are healthy as a horse, sort of. " I clicked the pen and sighed. Then I remembered... "One second. I need to check on you one more time. " As I said that, I moved closer and checked his head from where he bumped into the door frame earlier. Touching his hair.. It was very soft but it seems that he just has a tiny bump on the top of his head. Nothing too serious. "Alright, just making sure. But you need to be careful since you are a tall guy.."

I sighed and pulled away, the man looked into my eyes as I looked into his. They were beautiful color of blue but yet the other was brown. Hetrochromia I believe... But something was hiding under all that. Something that I can't even explain. But seeing that it has so many secrets that will either stay hidden of be revealed soon enough. "You can hear them.. Can you?" His voice was calm but low. I blinked and raised my brow as I asked. "Hear what?" Suddenly the door opens and the man's attention moved to look down on the floor. My attention went to the door seeing Dennis walk in and he was hesitant. "I hope I wasn't interrupting something. But, it's time. " I nodded and pulled away from the man. The man slowly stood up and Dennis told him to follow. On his way towards the door, he looked at me and I looked at him. His expression was still blank as he slowly looked away and bend down from the door frame and made his way out. Dennis looked at me with a look and gave me a slow nod. I returned the gesture as Dennis closed the door behind them.

I turned to the file and picked it up, in wonder what did the man meant. Did he mean the voices? No, it cant be. I mentally shook my head as I sighed, closing the file filled with new information. But my curiosity for the man began to grow more than ever. What have I gotten myself into. The ringing began to start and I closed my head as it began to screech and the whispers were going over and over. Some were mixed with laughter and I clenched my teeth. Yes.. I can hear them. They get worse every day, it honestly feels like my head is about to explode. I want to scream but I cant, as if something was shoved down my throat or wrapped around it to muffle out the sound. I wanted it to stop.. Stop.. Please stop. Stop... STOP IT!

I slammed my hands on the desk and panted, my eyes widening in fear..cold sweat barely forming at the temples of my head. My body began to feel cold as my blood ran thin. Just before I knew it, I looked down at the file and I stared in fear. On the file work.. All i see are scribbles and scribbled out mixed lettering on the thick folder. Saying 'Can you hear us now?'

Eyes Deceived (The Kid x Reader) - Castle RockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora