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" CAMPERS! MEET ME AT THE DOCK IN 5 MINUTES! " Chris yells through his megaphone.

All the campers tiredly walk out of the cabins and meet Chris at the dock in their bathing suits.

" So your next challenge will be one closely related to one of my favs in season 4, Truth or Man-eating piranhas! " Chris says. " Each team will have a bleachers for everyone to sit in. I'm going to read one of your teammates embarrassing secrets. The person that I embarrass, has to speak up and say that, that secret was theirs for your team to gets point. If that person doesn't say that was their secret, well let's say you get a dip into the piranha infested water. Everyone to your bleachers! "

Everyone walks nervously to their team's bleachers.

" I will now read the first secret for Team Uno. This person had to take diapers with them in fourth grade!" Chris announces. All of Team Uno looks at each other, until Cody raises his hand. Everyone laughs at him except for Sierra, who is clearly mad at everyone for picking on Cody. " Next one, this person had sweating issues all through middle school. " Riley raises her hand automatically. Everyone giggles about her sweating problems. " Next and final secret, who has had a crush on Riley ever since she arrived on the island?" Riley blushes a little. Everyone looks at everyone. Then Chris presses a button that send Team Uno under the water. When he rises them back up everyone is gasping and is breathing hard. " So Team Uno, has 2 points. " Chris said. Team Uno looked upset that they didn't win.

" Now Team Apple! This person has attempted to lick an electric fence. Dawn looks at Scott who is blushing. Scott then raises his hand. " What?!? I thought I would feel a magic spark! Scott yelled angrily.

" Well you sure did feel something didn't you?" Duncan said while laughing.

Scott glared at Duncan and slumped back into his seat. " This next person picked and still does pick their nose in their sleep. " Chris says. Beth raises her hand. People laugh. " This person sleeps with a stuffed teddy bear every night. " Duncan looks at his team and says " Fine. Maybe I do sleep with a stuffed animal. So what?!?" Everyone holds in their laughter except for Courtney who is laughing her butt off. " Hah- you- sleep-hahahahh-with a teddy bear?!? " she says in between laughs. Duncan just stared at her and grunted. " Team Apple came out with 3 points!" Chris announces. " Now Team Game."

Team Game shifts in their seats. " This person always peed the bed when he was at a friend's house. " DJ raises his hand slowly and says " Man! How do you even get this information?! "

" I would never tell." Says Chris. " Next one, who was extremely overweight when they were a kid?" Eva raises her hand and growls " IF ANY OF YOU IDIOTS LET OUT ONE LAUGH I WILL FINISH YOU! "

" Okay.... Next, this person had a boob job when she was 14. "Chris says. L'Shawna raises her hand. " Team Game you have 3 points!"

Team Game cheers and high fives each other. " Now for Team Skirts." Chris says. " This person had major acne all through elementary and middle school. " Harold jumps up and raises his hand. " Next, this person has had her back waxed. Nobody raises their hands. Chris presses the button and they go down. Everyone glared at Heather, knowing it was her secret. " Last one, this girl has jumped out of an airplane, and landed right on her face pretending she was a superhero. " Sierra and Zoey look at each other, but neither raise their hand. They go down again. " Team Skirts has 1 point! "

" Team Last! This person got rejected and kicked in the no-no's by a girl and fell down a mountain. " everyone looks at Alejandro, who is glaring at Chris. He raises his hand and everyone laughs. " This person has tried to impress their high school crush but fell on their face in front of their crush. Tyler raises his hand. " Ok! Final one, who has gotten shoved into a box, sent off to India, and lived there for 1 year. Izzy jumps up and down! " MEEEE!" She says. " Team Last comes out with 3 points! And team Skirts you will be voting someone off."

" All I have to say is one of you, are going home!" Heather says looking at Sierra and Zoey.

" I'm voting for Heather. You?" Zoey says to Sierra once Heather walked away.

" Me too. " She says and they start to walk towards the campfire.

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