The Cast

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"Here comes our cast now!"

" Our first returning cast member is your favorite stalker, Sierra! "

Sierra then jumps off of a boat and swims to the new camp dock. " Wait a second! Stalker?"

" Yeah you kinda earned that title stalker-licious. " says Noah, who is in midair.

" L'Shawna coming through!" L'Shawna says pushing through everyone.

" Hey! You darn kids stepping on people's and what not!!!" Says an angry Chester.

" Sorry honey! Now come on Harold! "

" Coming my Beauty! " Harold says.

" Im coming too! " says a still mad Chester.

" Mik- I mean Chester wait up!" Zoey says, almost tripping over people.

"Zoey! Wait! I'm too slow! Says a pooped out Cameron.

" Would you SHUTUP!?" Eva growls.

"Ughh" an annoyed Heather replies.

" I second that" Alejandro says.

Heather and Alejandro smile at each other for a while.

" eww evil love." Gwen says.

" yeah " Trent says.

They give each other a glance then blush and look away.

"Gwen! Is Sierra gone yet?" Cody says as he peeks around the corner of the boat.


"Ok then"

So all of them jump off together and wait for the other cast members to jump.

" Here I go" says a nervous DJ.

" Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Izzy screams as she falls face first into the water.

" Coming Izzy!" Yells Owen.

" guess its time for me to jump." Says Courtney right when two people grab each of her hands.

" Hey man I'm her ex- girlfriend so back off. " says Scott.

" Nah. Your gonna let go of her and IM going to jump with her ." Duncan says seriously.

Scott let's go of Courtney's hand and she rips her hand out of Duncan's grasp.

" I'm not going with either of you! Especially not Duncan!!!!" Courtney screams as she jumps off the boat with Duncan following.

" I'll jump with you Scott." Dawn says quietly.

"Alrighty then! " says a happy Scott.

" Tyler! Let's go! " Lindsay says as she trips over the bar at the front of the boat and falls in.

" Lindsay! Here I come!" Says Tyler, jumping into the water.

" Hey! Lindsay what about me!!!" Cries Beth.

***Everyone is on the dock now***

"Okay!" So how is everyone? " Chris asks.

A bunch of negative comments come from the contestants.

" So this season all of you will be competing to win 500,000 dollars. I will spit you up into teams of 5. With 5 people on each team."

"But 5 times 5 is 25. We only have 23 people here. " Cameron replies.

"Oh yeah. We will be welcoming two new contestants this season. First here is Blaine the computer tech guy who is also very shyish. Our next contestant is Riley. She is good at soccer and likes to read or whatever. " a bored Chris says.

Riley and Blaine walk up to the crowd.

" Hi everyone! My name is Riley and yeah. " Riley blushes as she speaks.

" I'm b-b-Blain-ne" an obviously shy Blaine says.

" Okay! So now for your teams! " says Chris

And everyone perked up to listen.

" But first everyone go do your first confessional!"

"Ughhh!!!" Was the reply from everyone.

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