Duncan's P.O.V

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Duncan's P.O.V

That little Blaine guy! Ooohhh he's going down. Lying to me! Even L'Shawna can dance better than him! And that's saying something!!! I know Beth is probably gonna try to vote me out, same with Blaine. But I got people on my side. I mean I know Scott is voting for Blaine. And whatever Scott does, his little girlfriend-to-be follows.

I walked up got where we were supposed to vote, and saw Blaine and gave him the death stare. He looked at me nervously and walked to where Beth was sitting. Was something going on between them? I don't know. When I got to the voting station I saw Blaine's card and stamped it crazy. He was going to be the one voted off. He had to be.

Total Drama The 6thOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora