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Dear Leo, 

Things here have gotten better. The possible death of the universe was averted and Mayhem (Delta changed her name in a complicated series of events) and Loki are engaged. Henry and I are going to prom in a few days. I wish you could be here for that. Honestly, I wish you could just be here. Jemma told me that they are trying to find a way to get you out of space. When you get back, well, I guess you are back if you're reading this, then come for a visit and bring Jemma. We'll need all the help we can get.

I looked at some of Tony's files (yes, I hacked them. You would do the same.) and a new threat is on its way to Earth. I doubt you've heard of him since I hadn't either. He's after these infinity stone things that will destroy the universe if he gets them all, so we might need you and your team to help the Avengers. When I asked Mayhem--Delta--she wouldn't tell me much. Just that they had it all under control if he even came to the Nine Realms. 

Could you look into it if you get a chance? 


Kathy Fitz

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