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(C1 POV)

"Now entering Special Captive 979B to Containment Field One."

I look up when the feminine overhead voice speaks, wondering what species is going to walk out of the doors. Another Markazian. Nothing really special, I thought. Then I look closer. My eyes widen, as they trace the newcomer's shape. Too curvy to be male. I stand, waving everyone else off to get a good look. Cool, curios jade green eyes meet nervous aquamarine eyes. I sense the fear radiating off SC979B as I continue my examination.

"You're not like the rest of us," I begin. "You're a..."

"Soil my britches," says C190, a human who likely is inspecting like I am. "That is a girl! Don't think we've had one of those-" he gestures towards her "-here in this dump!" (Anyone recognize him?)

I nodded, watching the girl beginning studying me. As recognition flashes in her eyes, I feel confusion flash in mine. I open my mouth to speak, but a voice overhead interrupts me.

"Captive 1"

I sigh, giving C2 a look, to which he responds with a simple nod before the large Agorian thumps over to the female Markazian.

Knowing she'll be treated well, I walk towards the open doors. A Tharpod jogs over to me, stopping me just long enough to remove my bandage from my midsection. "Don't die, C1," he rasps, and I gave a small smile that says 'I'll try not to' before the doors close between me and my field.


(SC979B POV)

"Get your paws off me!" I struggle in the strong, metal grips of my captors, but my attempts are in vain as the twowarbots follow the trooper to the double doors that open to a field of supposedly ruthless fighters. By the doors I am to go through, stood a small raritanium robot. I recognize the defect. Agent Clank steps up to my captors.

"Identification and authorization, please," he asks out of protocal.

"Warbot Gamma 9721Z. Warbot Delta 3901T. Compound Trooper 45825CS. Permission to import new Special Captive 979B to Containment Field One." The trooper hands the DeathBot a small card with inscrptions I could not make out from the angle. Agent Clank scans the card and returns it. He steps aside and presses a botton to activate the doors in front

Sympathy shines in the sentient DeathBot's circular bright green eyes as the warbots deposit me in the small transfer room. He gives me a look to tell me to be careful before the doors shut between us and the doors between me and the field open to reveal a surprisingly calm scene.

(Short but I tried)

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