Your the 1 who wanted to see my crazy life😁

9 0 3

1) master, senpai, big hips, thicc queen, and insane😍 (also ALOT of insults in Japanese from the foreign exchange students)

2) The color of brownies and poop.

3) The same color as Smokey the bear's fur.

4) I am a Christian.

5) Red ( color of blood🍷)

6) Away from you.

7) Myself (hair flips over the shoulder)

8) Cheetah (Yeah I know it's a generic answer, DEAL WITH IT)

9) I'm to sexy for my shirt.

10) Idk to many out there fam.

I don't want to tag people. FIGHT ME

I've been tagged😵 (I never thought this day would come)Where stories live. Discover now