The twins are here!!

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After two hours, the twins were ready to come out. As I started to push the first twin out I could feel pressure in my vaginal area. About three pushes later Mason was out then 55 seconds later Madison. "Let me get my tt babies. I can't wait to hold them" Alyssa said. "Girl I haven't even held my babies yet besides that skin to skin shit girl u gon have all the time in the world while u baby sitting" I said. Kamori was holding Madison while I held Mason. Even though my babies just got here, I was in love and so protective of them. I had to learn to loosen up with family because they were just as excited as Kamori and I were.

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3 days later I was excited to finally get to take my babies home

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3 days later
I was excited to finally get to take my babies home. My doctor brought my discharge papers in my room, all my stuff was already packed and the twins car seats were already installed into the car. Alyssa and kamori's dad grabbed all of our stuff out of the room and packed it into Makiya's car for us. We put the twins in the car and drove home. When we got there we got situated and I noticed we didn't have any baby boy stuff for Mason's room. I called my Jalisa over since Makiya was already there and asked them to go get mason some things for his half of the room since it was mostly girly stuff. "Kamori it's time for them to eat can you grab their bottles out of the fridge". He was too deep into his phone to even hear me, So Alyssa got up and got it.  "Ouch damn" Kamori said as he rubbed his shoulder. I threw the remote control at him since he act like he couldn't hear nothing I was saying. "Well you was so deep into that damn phone you ain't hear me asking you to get the baby bottles"
I began feeding Mason while Alyssa fed Maddie since she wanted to do it so bad. While Kamori went to go take a shower.

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