Part Eight

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I wasn't really feeling today so I threw on something simple and called it a day. I still haven't seen my mom so I was just thinking about going to the courts, telling them the situation and getting legal guardianship of Alyssa. I've already applied for a few jobs but no luck so far. When I walked into the school I could already hear Jalisa loud ass yelling my name from the top of the hall. I covered my face because it was too early for he to be yelling and it was embarrassing. "Bitch why you ain't called me, I thought Kamori kidnapped you" she said shoving my arm. "Jalisa, you just saw me a couple of days ago at the pool" I said laughing. As we turned the corner down gym hall Jalisa walked into her class which was health. I saw Kamori walking towards me so I tried to get on my phone so that he wouldn't notice me. When he began to get close to me I could hear him began to speak. "Jalaya I'm so sorry I didn't mean to put my hands on you and I really want you to know that I'm sorry" he said. I didn't want to accept his apology but I knew I had to be the bigger person and not to hold grudges. "Kamori, I accept your apology but I don't have any respect for you cuz that was foul as fuck of you to put your hands on me" I said. Honestly at this point i wanted to fight him but its a time and place for everything and 9 times outta 10 he would so i just walked out leaving him standing there. Lunchtime rolled around and i felt like i needed tell Makiya and Jalisa what had happened with me and Kamori. I texted both of them in our "sistergals💓🔐" group chat asking did they wanna have a little Netflix and chill girls night at my place. Both of them agreed to it I really had to figure out how to bring it up or maybe let them bring him up.

Since I had talked to Laya earlier I felt like we were making progress. I was gonna do something nice for her that would make her accept my apology tonight. I went to Walmart and picked up a few thing because I only had two classes each day. My phone buzzed letting me know I had a text message. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and it was a text from my dad that read "I'm home now but will be leaving again later tonight. Pick up some things from the store you know the snacks and shit that you like. Love you don't have nobody in my house." I just sent a simple "ok love you too" because I was too busy finding stuff that I think Laya would like. I was making a "im sorry basket" for her and put some of everything in it and last things left was the candy and snacks she liked. I was going to get some balloons and a big ass bear, since thats what girls like, and pray to god she accept my apology. I'll drop it off to her after school since we lived next door to each other.

Its a short part because i really didn't know what to do. Do yall think she should accept his apology or leave him alone? Comment❤

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