Edward rolls his eyes at Emmett's thoughts, wishing this was a dream or nightmare.

"I couldn't Rosalie, it hurt too much to even think about her. Much less talk about her." Carlisle says crossing his arms and looking out of the window once again, "There was another reason I saved you that night. The moment I saw you, I pictured her."

Edward was then brought back to the moment Carlisle found Rosalie bleeding on the cold floor in the streets. Her face was covered in blood and her golden blonde hair. For a moment, Carlisle imagined it was his daughter.

Carlisle clinched his fist, "Juliet when I saw you. I pictured Juliet...just for a moment. At first, having you near, was a way of imagining it was Juliet. But over time, I realized you weren't her. That no one can even replace that hole in my heart." Everyone was surprised and intrigued with his story.

Rosalie looked at him with a small smile yet was still hiding the shock she felt. The blonde could remember the days when she first turned, Carlisle would sometimes just find himself staring at her in concern. Like he was spacing out. But it went away quickly when she started to voice her opinions and when she went to get her revenge.

Her actions made the vampire realize, that Rose and Juliet were very different. But Carlisle did learn to love Rose in his own way. Only after he realized, she wasn't Juliet.

Edward looked at Carlisle in disbelief, he couldn't quite believe that the doctor was able to hide so much from him. And that the mind-reader never noticed. Maybe Edward was so caught up in his own problems, that he didn't realize what Carlisle was hiding.

"Wait so the whole time you had a daughter? And you didn't tell me?" Esme said with hurt in her face. Her hands were trembling a bit, sad that her mate didn't trust her enough for this.

Many gave her a look of pity, Jasper trying to relax his breathing. Feeling very overwhelmed by all the emotion in the room. Surprisingly, the pack's hunger for food was more relaxing than the other feelings.

"I'm so sorry, I just couldn't talk about her. Even though it's been centuries, the pain was still there. Every time I tried; I just choked up." Carlisle started, feeling guilty about hiding this from his soulmate. It would be different if it was just the kids but also Esme. He's thought back to all the times he's tried to tell her, but he failed every time.

"Juliet was my everything, her mother died during childbirth so it was always me and her. Of course, my father was there but Juliet and I were inseparable. She was only 10 when I had to leave. For a couple of years, I would go and check up on her." He explained himself to his family.

Carlisle was looking down remembering everything, causing Edward to look at his thoughts carefully. Mainly because the mind-reader has been there the longest so it was odd that he never found anything suspicious or odd.

"When she turned fourteen I stopped going. It was too painful seeing her cry herself to sleep or seeing her without a smile on her face. That beautiful smile. Ever since she was a baby, she was always smiling. She could make you feel better with just one smile. It killed me leaving." If cold ones could cry he would be sobbing this very moment.

Jasper was trying to stay calm as he felt Carlisle's pain, but it was hard. The doctor was feeling Edward's pain but he was way worse. The type of pain that builds up over the years.

"I'm sorry," Esme said softly hugging her mate, trying to comfort him. It hurt to see her mate in pain.

"Juliet, she was the blonde girl standing next to the hybrid right?" Sam asked wondering if he had the right person.

All the shapeshifters, even Leah felt intrigued by the story of Juliet. If she was what Carlisle described, how did she meet the hybrid? And become a part of the originals?

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