Chapter 4: Beauty is that of a rose.

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~Levy McGarden~

I wamt to know who made school a thing then punch them in the face. It was probely a nerd so if I punched them it might affect them. I'm funsized so as you can imagine Im not that athletic. But school is living hell. Kids can be so mean.

I don't get it. I may be smart but human understanding was never a good quality of mine. I've never really understood why people do what they do. But is okay. Im smart. Like really smart. I have no fire ds and kids at school see me as a punching bag so homework and reading became my only escape from human interaction.

My parents are never really home. Always at work. We're poor so we need all the no st we can get, you know? So other then human decency, I was also neglected the apreation of have something other then hamburger helper almost ever night for dinner. It's better than nothing I guess. I live by a moto. "It could always be worse."

It helps me get through the day. But I'm going to make it better for me and my parents so they dont have to worry about me and I'm smart enough to take care of myself.

You could call it running away, bur I would call it a good choice from a bad idea. Its best for everyone. I get away from the school assholes, and my parents can get the life they have always dreamed about. Everyone wins. I have it all planed out. Where I'll stay. What job I'll get to pay bills. Everything. I just need to pull off a 18 year old and only work nights.


Im going to leave around 10. After my parents get home and pass out from working too hard. I plan to make their life better, after all they really need a break from life. I hope this works. If not then it just proves how I can handle being an adult.


Hello, mates. I just want you guys to know I'm really only write these because Im really stressed with life right now. So .... Yeah. ✌

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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