Imagine | Autumn

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This is the third imagine and it's Autumn themed! I love Autumn, especially when the leaves (or is it leafs? I have no idea!) go orange and get crunchy under your feet (plus Autumn is the perfect excuse to be drinking hot chocolate all the time and wearing big jumpers aka my life). Anyway, I really enjoyed writing this imagine because I love cute moments between Ross and Chloe, they're my favourite couple to write about! I hope you all enjoy this x

Chloe and Ross hadn't had a date in what felt like years.

They were always busy. Chloe had finished college and was working, while Ross was busy with his music. They both had to look after Alyssa and when they couldn't, they were constantly relying on babysitters. The couple hadn't gone out on dates much but when they did, they were always rushed for time, having to go out early and then be back in time to put Alyssa to bed.

It felt like they hadn't had a proper romantic date together in forever because their minds were always fixed on something other than their partner.

But Ross had been thinking about taking Chloe out on a date. She was always so busy with Alyssa and her own job that she barely had the time to think about anything else. Thankfully Chloe wasn't one to get stressed out over work but Ross had realized that she always seemed to be doing something. She never had time to sit down and watch TV with him, or even take half an hour to call his sister, Rydel, something that she used to always do. 

So he decided that one day in Autumn, when the leaves turned orange and the wind was cold yet not freezing, that it was time to take Chloe out on a date. Not a silly little small one, where they went out for a meal and then rushed home. No.

Ross had so much more than that in mind. He wasn't taking Chloe out for a date at night, but all day.

"Babe, why're you making breakfast? You know, I might not be able to make pancakes but I'm pretty sure that I can pour myself a bowl of cereal," Chloe said, laughing to herself.

She had grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard and was going to pour some cereal into it, but Ross whisked the bowl out of her hands before she could even say anything, pouring the milk and cereal into it while she watched, completely confused.

"I don't care, we're going to do something today. Just you and me, nobody else," Ross winked at her.

"But what about Alyssa?" Chloe asked.

Ever since she was born, Alyssa had been Chloe's main priority. She had neglected Ross a little bit when Alyssa was first born but of course that was going to happen - Chloe was the mother after all and although Ross tried his best to take of Alyssa as much as possible, Chloe was always the one who had so much more control over pretty much everything. Ross was glad that his wife had taken to motherhood so easily but he wanted more time with her, more time just to tell her that he loved her and that he wanted to spend more time with her.

And now it was his chance.

"Rydel's coming over to babysit for the day. We're going out, just you and me for the day. Is that okay?" he asked, sitting down next to her. Chloe ate some more of her cereal before looking up at Ross, a small smile crossing her thin lips as she thought it all over.

She had so much work to do and so little time. She needed papers to be filed, things to be typed up and mailed away, and a million and one things on her to-do list to check off. She was scared that she didn't have the time to do everything, and a whole day away from it all could either make her feel so much more relaxed or make her fall behind in her work and stress her out.

"Yeah, that's fine. That's great, it'll be good fun," Chloe said quickly although she still wasn't too sure about it all. But as she looked up into Ross' eyes, noticing his friendly smile and comforting way of making everything seem fine, she realized that it would do her the world of good to finally be free from everything.

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