"I love you so much" she smiles, lifting off me to roll onto her side of the bed. "I love you too.." I say, kissing her head. "What plans do you have today?" She asks, "well, I'm going to call Amelia and see if she minds me and you taking Dulcie to see my family with us.. then we can sort out our flights" I smile, resting my hands behind my head, gazing at Dakota.

"Sounds good to me.. Amelia moved over here not long ago right? That'll be easier for us to get her" She nods, smiling. "Yeah, she moved to the other side of LA, about half hour drive for us" I say, smiling as I sit up.

"I think I want to go visit my mama and grams today, that okay with you?" She wrinkles her nose, making me laugh slightly. "Of course baby you don't have to ask! Join me for a shower first?" I smirk at her, making her giggle.

"You offering me round two in the shower?" She raises her eyebrows, smirking back at me. I nod, watching as her face lights up. "Hell yeah!" She jumps up, grabbing my hand and leading me to the en-suite. She's insatiable.

*Dakota's POV*

It's early afternoon, after round two in the shower, we changed and ate breakfast whilst we sorted out our trip to Belfast, after much convincing, Jamie managed to get Amelia to give us the okay to take Dulcie with us. We then booked our plane tickets and contacted Jamie's family to tell them we'll be visiting, which they're super excited about. We leave for Belfast on Saturday, it gives us three days to pack.

I'm currently with my mom and grandma at my mothers house, they're constantly questioning me about jamie, it makes me so happy they accept him.

"So, you're off to see his family?" Mom asks, sipping her coffee, I nod as I pull them both a nervous worried face. "They're going to love you darling.." my grandma says, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"I hope you're right! Though, this really feels like make or break... we're taking his daughter Dulcie, with us.. it'll be the first time we've ever spent time together for a long period of time, I've only really met her a handful of times.. I'm not sure if she'll like me.." I sigh a little. "And you're worried about that?" My mom frowns slightly.

"Well yeah mama.. the feelings I have for Jamie are crazy right now. I don't think, in any other relationship I've been in, I don't think I've loved anyone the way I love him." I say, as I watch my moms face split into the widest Grin.

"But if Dulcie decides she doesn't like me, or we don't click as well as I want us to.. it'll hurt and I'd hate for that to jeopardise mine and Jamie's relationship" I pout taking a sip of my coffee.

"Sweetheart... I may have only witnessed you and jamie together once or twice so far, but that's already enough to show me that he adores you and the ground you walk on. Believe me when I say nothing will jeopardise that." My mom takes my hand, giving it a squeeze before stroking her thumb over it repeatedly.

"You're so good with kids, I'm sure his daughter is going to adore you just as much as her daddy does.. don't have so much doubt about it.. enjoy it honey, you'll have a blast.. it may help if you air your worries out with Jamie, he can reassure you.." my grandma says, I smile at them both, pulling them for a group hug.
"Thank you.. I love you both" I say, hugging the two people I adore so much.

"Baby, I'm home" I say as I close the front door behind me. I take my shoes and coat off as Zepp comes running over to me. I lean down to fuss him for a minute then go in search of my man.

"In the kitchen" he calls, and I grin as soon as I see him. I place my car keys in the bowl on the kitchen breakfast bar, wrapping my arms around him from behind. It's then I realise he's cooking something.

"I missed you.. whatcha cooking?" I kiss his back through his t-shirt a couple of times, then he turns in my arms, leaning down to kiss me gently. "I missed you too. Cooking us spag Bol.." he kisses me again before going back to stirring the bolognese.

"Smells beautiful I cant wait" I grin sitting at the breakfast bar watching him. "I spoke to Amelia again, she said I can fetch Dulcie Friday morning, then she can stay here Friday night with us before we leave for belfast, is that okay?" He says, turning to look at me.

"Sounds perfect." I say softly, gazing at him. "Are you sure?" He frowns, to which I nod and smile, watching as he dishes out our food.
We sit and eat our dinner with a glass of wine each. Jamie also made homemade cheesy garlic bread, he knows it's one of my favourites.

After dinner I clear the pots and load the dishwasher as jamie wipes the table down, then we cozy up on the sofa in front of a film.
I'm sat next to him, our fingers are knotted together and my head is on his shoulder.

"Babe.. can I talk to you about something? It's worrying me and I don't want to keep it from you.." I look up at him as a slight frown crosses his face, he nods and squeezes my hands gently.

"I'm a little worried I could lose you, if Dulcie decides she doesn't like me, or we might not get along.." I say, peering down at my hands before looking up to his face.

"For one, you'd never lose me.. like ever.. and I spoke to Dulcie earlier when you was out, I told her she's coming away with us both and she is so excited to see you.. probably more than she was to see me" he chuckles, moving one of his hands to stroke my cheek. "I doubt that, she adores her daddy.." I giggle shyly, looking up into his eyes.

"Honestly though, i don't want you overthinking it all.. it's going to be a lovely break for us all.. I think she's going to love you" he says and he looks so sincere, it warms at my heart. "I'm excited to get to bond with her properly" I smile shyly, leaning up and kissing him gently,

"You know, if there was one thing I could do, it would be to have you see through my eyes just how much you mean to me.. you just make me feel all kinds of feelings no one ever has before" he says as we pull away, his comment leaves me a little shocked for a few seconds.

"I feel the same.. I haven't loved or felt loved by anyone the way I do with you, it worries me sometimes" I say softy, kissing his hands repeatedly as I cradle them in my hands. "I love you so much, believe me when I say nothing will ever come between us. I won't let it" He leans forward and kisses me hard on the lips, pulling me into his lap so I'm straddling him with a leg either side of his.

I cup his face teasing him with my tongue gently as I play with his. "I love you so much too.." I whisper against his lips when we pull away. He grins, pecking my lips a few times before pulling me into his arms, I cuddle into him, resting my face between his neck.

Comments appreciated as always!!
Thank you xo

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now