Chapter 2

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Jan Di was running late for class. She had stayed up most of the night studying for her exam, and she had missed her alarm. As she was getting on her bike she noticed her tires were flat.

"Why?" she screamed out loud. "Of all the days you had to do this to me, you had to pick today?"

She waved her arms around in frustration. "How dare you do this! You...arrggghhh!" She yelled, panic rising through her. She could take the bus, she supposed, but it would not be coming for another 15 minutes. She turned to her bike again, narrowing her eyes. "If I miss my exam, you'll be in big trouble!"

"I don't think it's going to answer you back," a voice called out.

She turned around and saw Ji Hoo there, watching her with amusement in his eyes. She turned red, embarrassed.

"Sunbae..." she began.

"Well, hurry up," he beckoned her over. "You'll be late. You can apologize to your bike later."

She grabbed her backpack and hopped on the bike with him.

"Thank you," she whispered.

She made it to her exam with 4 minutes to spare. She heaved a sigh of relief. It amazed her how her sunbae always seemed to know when she needed his help. It was like they had an invisible connection. When they arrived at school, he handed her a bagged breakfast with some fruit, pastry and a small carton of milk.

My honorary firefighter saved the day again, she smiled.

She looked around the campus for him after her classes were over. She went to the library, the music room, even the cafeteria, but she saw no sign of him. She frowned at herself. It wasn't like him to go home right after school. He normally hung around campus either at the library or the music room.

She saw a girl in his class and decided to ask her.

"Have you seen sunbae...I mean Yoon Ji Hoo?" she asked a tall and pretty girl. She couldn't remember her name, but had seen her follow Ji Hoo around campus (though Ji Hoo seemed completely oblivious to it), so she knew that this girl would probably know where Ji Hoo was.

The girl crossed her arms. "What if I have?" The girl eyed her skeptically, but her face changed as she recognized Jan Di. "You're Gu Jun Pyo's girl, right?"

Jan Di seemed uncomfortable being called that. "I'm...Geum Jan Di. "

The girl rolled her eyes. "Honestly, I thought you were after Ji Hoo at first, because you two always look like a couple, but then I heard you're actually with Jun Pyo, so I was like, thank goodness, right?"

Jan Di was starting to regret asking this girl. "So... have you seen Ji Hoo around?"

The girl looked her up and down again. "You're just friends, right?"

Jan Di was getting frustrated. "He's my sunbae." She turned around. "If you don't know where he is, I'll find someone else to ask."

The girl ran after her as she tried to walk away. "Wait!" she called. Jan Di considered walking faster, but the girl caught up to her. Stupid slow legs, she scolded herself. She turned to face the girl, who now had a wide grin on her face.

"He went to join a few students to volunteer at a children's clinic." The girl looked at her again, an idea forming in her head. "Hey, do you think you can introduce me to him? He doesn't talk much, and I've been trying to get his attention all this time." She stared off in the distance, eyes dreamy. "He's like, so amazing, isn't he? Tall, handsome, rich, smart. Handsome. Hmm..."

How It Should Have Ended (A Ji Hoo and Jan Di Story)Where stories live. Discover now