Trapped (Chapter 24) :: Hidan Fanfic

Start from the beginning

"Avory-chan!" I heard Tobi shout. I turned around and saw him chasing after me down the hall.

"Hi Tobi." I said with a small smile.

"Where's Hidan?" he asked playfully.

"I'm not really sure." I told him. "Why?"

"That means you can come play with Tobi!" he said happily as he grabbed me hand.

"I guess so." I said as he pulled me toward his room. "Tobi slow down." I said as I tried to keep up with him. We quickly got to his room and he opened the door and pulled me in. When we got in the door closed leaving the room pitch black. "Uhh. Tobi?" I asked then felt someone grab my hands and put them behind my back. The lights turned on and I saw Tobi in front of me. I glanced back and saw Zetzu. "What the hell? Tobi tell him to let me go!"

"I'm sorry. I just can't do that Avory." Tobi said is a completely different demeanor.

"Tobi?" I asked and he chuckled.

" 'Tobi' was such an annoying role to play," He said as he walked up to me. "But everyone fell for it. Well, the ones that didn't know."

"Who are you then?" I asked him. He just turned around and walked to his desk.

"You will know in due time." he said moving some papers around. I tried to get free but Zetzu had a firm grip on my arms. I took a breath and looked at the lamp in the corner of the room. It flew from the tabletop right into Zetzu. He let go of me and I jumped back. He was still blocking the door. "Oh, so you can control your powers now. This will be annoying." Tobi said annoyed as he walked over to me. I was backed into a Corner and my eyes started to glow. "Oh I don't think so." he said. I started to feel weird and my eyes slowly dimmed and I looked around. I was in a totally different room. It was like stone slabs and nothingness.

"Where am I. How did I get here?" I asked out loud. I looked in front of me as Tobi formed.

"You are in another dimension. One with nothing in it. I think I'll keep you here for a while. Until I'm ready to continue. I don't need you blabbing to the others. Especially to your precious Hidan." he said. I growled and pounced at him but he disappeared.

"Damn it!" is shouted as it echoed through the emptiness.


Hidan walked into Avorys room but it was empty.

"Where the fuck is she?" he asked as he walked out into the hallway. He asked everyone but no one knew where she was. "Shit. She's probably with Tobi." he said and started toward his room. Hidan really hopped she wasn't there. Tobi was so annoying and he didn't want to get pulled into some childish game. He got there and knocked. Nothing. He knocked harder. "I know your in there Tobi. Open the fucking door!" Hidan shouted. The door quickly opened and Tobi stood there.

"Hidan-sempi! you came to visit tobi!" he shouted happily.

"Sempi?" Hidan asked. "Anyway hell no. I'm looking for Avory." he said.

"Avory-chan? Is she missing?!" Tobi shouted.

"I fucking guess so. She's not in the base."

"Maybe she went for a walk. Someone when Tobi is bored he goes for walks."

"I guess I'll look around the perimeter." Hidan said and left. He started to walk around the outside if the base. Around the waterfall and everywhere else he could think of. "Where the fucking hell is she?" Hidan asked himself as he started to walk back to the base.


I sat on the cold floor and sighed. I was walking around for a good while and it was like I didn't even move. This place would probably make you crazy if you were here long enough. There was a slight wind and then Tobi showed up.

"Let me out!" I shouted at him.

"I still can't do that. I'm not ready for you yet. But here." he said and set down a plate of food and a bottle of water. I looked at the food then him.

"What did you do to it?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Just eat it." He said and left. I sighed and walked over to the plate of food. It looked good. I took a bite then started to eat it. I was pretty hungry since I didn't eat all day. I wonder how long I'll be stuck in this hell hole.

I also wonder what he wants me for.


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I write so much faster when I know people want more :)

Sorry it's taking so long to get chapters out! I've been sort of unmotivated :/

Also trying to potty train an two year old boy. Ha.

Thanks for reading!

I love you all <3


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