Master Attendant: Found. 🌦 - 2 -

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This was truly beyond anything I've anticipated.

For the longest time, I've always been alone. Unloved, cold, and numb. Not even my own family wanted me. Ruthless nights and brutal insults that struck my soul, because I truly believed that they loved me.

I was foolish to do so.

But now... Everyone around is smiling with anticipation, excitement, and contentment. Initially, I had doubted my decision of running away, but it was to the point that I just couldn't take it anymore. In actuality, this was probably the best decision I've ever made.

Cheering for the slightest of things, laughing at horribly dumb jokes, harmless bickering over a dish, getting wasted and partying the night away—

Andre cawed in disappointment when I joined in.

After the summons of a certain purple-haired boxer and a stylish dual-wielding gunner, more faces with the same undying loyalty had presented themselves before me. They vowed to place their lives on the line for me, constantly looking after my physical and mental health.

"When there is a battle, leave it to me. Your only responsibility is to be happy."

"Will you... be happier this way...?"

"I will protect everyone behind me."

And I could never thank them enough. At times, I'd catch myself standing from the second floor of the restaurant, gazing over the hustle and bustle of my dear Food Souls that were working so hard for me. I didn't deserve them, and I never will. Without them, I reckon I would've never seen the light again...

That's awfully cliché but that's the only way to describe it. They showed me a new life, new goals, and daily missions to look forward to. Our bonds are tight, our contracts sealed and forever intact. They claim that I saved their lives, but they had no idea of the impact they had on mine.

Because now, I had a family to go back to.

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