Goodbye... for now

418 16 4

Laala's POV
The Prism shop was as bustling as ever. There was loud chatter everywhere, but it was dull in my ears. It was lucky that the two had taken my threat to heart and did not take any action.

"Look, Laala is there!"

"She's so pretty,"

I smiled and waved at them. All these admirers were lovely fans but I still could not get rid of that dull feeling. I bit my lip. I should be grateful to all of them but... I hated to admit it. I'm lonely...

I headed towards the stage where they said they were having a newcomer competition.

"We have a winner! Nina Fujisaki!" The judge raised the girl's hand.

My heart stopped. Before I knew it, tears were falling down my cheeks. The whispers were loud enough to hear.

"She is so good! She might be a kami idol someday!" A girl said.

"True! She might even beat SoLaMi Smile!"

I did not know why I felt so heartbroken. I mean... It was a good thing... So why? I felt my hatred filling up to the brim. Why did I feel so... Jealous?

"I want to announce something," Nina said on stage, Shougo then came up, " I'm now dating Shougo!"

Nina hugged Shougo's arm and he smiled. She planted a kiss on his lips, surprising everyone there.

"Omg, She is actually a s***!"


The whole audience started to throw insults at them. For some reason, I felt satisfied. Let's put on a show

"Everyone, stop! I don't think it's right to insult them!"

The audience kept quiet and I headed up on stage. Nina and Shougo give me cold hard glares.

"Get out of here b****, nobody wants you here," Nina says haughtly.

Shougo is shocked at Nina's behaviour and I fake a shocked look. The audience retort back in my stead.

"Laala was trying to help her and she was so ungrateful, these type of people, tsk, tsk," someone commented.

"Y-you d-don't know what she is like! In the past, s-she did-d something super bad!" Nina points at me while the crowd laughs.

"What a joke! Laala is kind and super awesome! She would never do that!" another person retorted.

"Shou, back me up! You know right?" She shakes Shougo's arm roughly.

Despite her efforts, Shougo is quiet. I smile, is he thinking about what I said?

"Nina... I need to think," He glances at me before leaving.

Nina looks at Shougo's figure leaving. She throws a fit and glares at me before leaving to go after Shougo.

"Laala,Laala! You're so amazing to be so kind to someone like that!" An audience member shouts.

"Arigato minna~ (wanted to try) As a thanks from me..."

"Laala! Laala! Laala!" The crowd chants her name.

"Thank you, everyone! But I have a sad announcement... I will be leaving to improve my idol skills!"

The crowd goes silent. They had not been expecting this. I closed my eyes, waiting for their response.

"We'll wait for you, Laala! Take all the time you need!" They then cheered.

I had tears in my eyes, I thanked them once again and got off the stage.

Back at school

"Laala!" Everyone I knew rushed to me and hugged me.

"Hey guys! What is this?"

"You never told us you were going to leave! Why?" Mirei and Sohpie started   crying while hugging me.

"I... need some time to think but... I will be back soon!" I start to cry. "This is not goodbye forever!"

I go to my dorm to see Yui standing right in front of me.

"Yui," I smile and she runs to hug me.

"Laala! I'm going to miss you, why do you have to leave me again!" She blurts out.

I suddenly freeze. Again? I look at Yui who is covering her mouth.

"N-nothing..." She looks away and hands me a letter. " Here are the details, I am not going to say anything else but only read on your way back,"

Yui looks straight into my eyes seriously. I nod and take the letter, tempted to open it.

"Go pack your things, it will make you forget about it and..." Yui takes my phone and saves her contact.

"Let's keep in touch," she smiles as I walk away but I looked back again to see her worried expression.

I shake it off and start to pack. I look at my phone again to see Yui's contact number next to... my father's. I bite my lip. Should I inform them? I mean, I broke off the engagement but there was still a chance and I ruined it once again... I held my phone tighter. Maybe...when I reach my destination.

I put down my phone and return to packing.

The next week (Cause the rest of the week was filled with Laala packing)

"Bye everyone!" Laala said to the whole school who was seeing her off.

As she was about to enter the bus, she looked back at the school and whispered...

"Bye Shougo..."

She then climbed onto the bus, the school fading from her view.

I'm sorry the chapter is short but I really wanted to end it there, (No it's not the end of the story) Hey, would you like it if I did...

An Aikatsu star crossover?

Pripara:The Clash Of The Heirs (officially discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang