School Starts

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Ok, just to make it clear, Shougo is the same age as Yui and Laala in this story to make it more effective. Sorry if anyone doesn't like it.
Laala's POV

I look at Shougo confused. What did he just say?  He is not breaking the engagement?

"W-why? " I ask as I look into his eyes.

"I-I th-think I like you, " Shougo says shyly.

Anger rose up in me. This guy, that I don't even know well, wants to get engaged to me. I thought he was better than!

"Seriously!? Then we should do it normally and not like this! How about my career- no your career!? You know what,  I can't even look at you right now, "

I stomp away angrily. Just because he likes me does not mean he can restrict me like that.

Shougo's POV

I was stunned at Laala's outburst. Was that the right thing to do? (No, it wasn't but to make it more interesting, you're the bad guy) Should I have broken it? Well,  no use of crying over spilt milk. I walked back to my dorm.

Laala's POV

I cannot believe him! We haven't even  known each other for that long.

"Laala! Where were you? Did my baka onii-chan do anything to you? " Yui asked as I came into he room.

"Hi Yui! And yes, today your baka onii-chan did do something to me"
I said with anger.

"Really?! Then he going to get it from me! "

I told Yui what happened. About the engagement and Shougo not wanting to annul it.

"Wow, I never knew onii-chan had it in him! " Yui whispered softly.

"What? "

"Nothing, let's get ready to sleep. We need to prepare for tomorrow. Good night, Laala" said Yui as she got into her bed.

"Good night,Yui!"

The Next Day

In class

"Woah, Yui, what happened to you? " one of her classmates asked.

"Well.... " Yui laughed awkwardly.

"Everybody, sit down! You have a new friend today, " The teacher said.

"Hi everybody, My name is Manaka Laala from SoLaMi Smile! Kashikoma! "
"Woah, a real kami idol, in our class! That is so cool! " one girl said

"What is a kami Idol? " one boy asked.

"You don't know? It's the highest rank an idol can ever get! "another girl said.

"That so cool! "

"Hehe.. Well, I'm not actually suppose to look like this, there was glitch yesterday in pripara and me and Yui got caught up in it," I said.

I look at the whole class. I would like to sit with Yui but sitting beside someone I do not know is also good.

"Let's see... Ms. Manaka, sit beside Mr. Yumekawa," the teacher instructs.

Mr.... Yumekawa? I look around the room and see Shougo in the last row. I am still mad at him for yesterday.

I walk towards the table beside him, trying not to look at him, to give him a signal not to talk to me.

"...hi, Laala, "

He didn't get it.

"hi, " I say coldly.

Yui's POV  (I know right, first time?)

This is not going to be good. I know because Laala told me everything yesterday. I need to speak to onii-chan
about it. I did not even know he was engaged. I will confront him about it during break. Still, he has to pay for what he did to Laala!

Back to Laala's POV

We both are quiet the whole lesson. Shougo give me occasional glances and blushes once in a while, but I give him a cold shoulder. From this point of view, Shougo looks breath-taking- What is wrong with me nowadays? Am I really falling in love with him?

"Ms. Manaka, can you solve this question for me? " the teacher asks.

Oh no, I was not paying attention.

"I can solve it, " Shougo said.

He went up and solved the question.

Well, I guess he can be helpful sometimes...Again! I think it's because he confessed to me yesterday.

I sigh. If only we weren't engaged, and he did not say that to me yesterday made I could have- never mind.


Everyone in the canteen was crowding around me. I guess the new spread. I saw Mirei and Sophie heading my way.

"Laala, we heard what happened?  Are you Okay? " Mirei asked.

"I'm okay! "

"Sophie from SoLaMi Smile?! "one girl said.

"Then means the other girl must be... Mirelle?!"

"Their all here!?"

All the students gather around our table trying to get an autograph from all of us.

Well, that's the end of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!

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